Genuine Attraction For Readers

Article Criteria That Really Generates People to Read, Clap, & Engage

Invite Them to Read and to Appreciate You as A Writer

Ikada Mario
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Individuals who have adopted this strategy almost immediately see the benefits. Yet when things get really busy, when deadlines come crashing in or work-related crisis derails their routine, they find it very easy to slip into the old habit of “submit the article daily.”

Understanding the attachment

There is nothing wrong with enjoying an evening by taking in your favorite time to write or catching up with your emotion to create an article. Technically speaking, doing those things helps break the ideas in every topic imaginable and instantly see the advantages of free writing.

We discussed the benefits of this way.

  • First, it allowed us to build relationships with pure & random ideas, which most of the time boost our spirit to write more.
  • Second, time was never wasted, because we were in rapid response mode.
  • Third, it allowed us to make the most of moments that would otherwise be useless for anything else.

Procrastination wastes time that might otherwise be devoted to activities that support your vision. When we procrastinate, we don’t do high-value activities. That’s for sure and that’s the law unless your purpose of the day is to smoke weed all day long.

If your intention is to make literature or pure art that comes from your profound thinking like a philosopher or any mythical garden you are able to visit and grasp new ideas, then you’re already golden.

But according to my experiences as long as the majority of people in Medium are to create money and gain information, I guess framework, content, or any article element is dead important.


Suitable for a certain group of people. It contains :

  • Personal experiences
  • Things to exchange
  • Proven empirical data statistics

The last point is nonsense if your material is about gossip or infotainment, that’s for sure. Also, you have to create your brand perception to make things exclusive for the readers, it has to possess empathy and respect.

The thing is, so many people are able to gain information from anyone, but the reality is that some people don’t want to accept the information unless it’s brought to them by someone they trust.

That’s the reason you only subscribe to certain people on Youtube for gossip, sport, news, and politics. The truth doesn’t matter anymore if someone is already linked to their idol, that’s sad but that’s the fact.


People say this is the attraction but I guess this is the stimulus. The reason why is that most of the time mood generates people to act but mood can be created. It can be directed by the skill of the writer.

Topic is a big paradox — we’re being told to respect our time and put our focus on the important thing. That’s not wrong but I ask you this, how many times you guys been distracted by random videos from Reels or Tiktok videos?

Yes, because topic can be pushed by the creator/narrator/system. You can choose whatever you like in this online world and as long as you attach an attractive element and wrap it well someone will notice and follow you.

“How and why are you so sure Ikada?”

Incentives and motivation are dead important in order to herd the readers to your “Cinema.”

  • Intrinsic motivations. The audience believes the offering is intrinsically valuable. They may identify with value inherent or simply invest their time for fun. At the end of the day, people make effort because it makes them feel good.
  • Extrinsic motivations. External pressures or influences motivate the audience to embrace the topic. These motivations satisfy some ego drive, and people get involved because it makes them look or appear good to others. You can step on my forehead if those who scream about BLM really care about black people.
  • Extrinsic motivations. People participate in exchange for tangible rewards; the incentives satisfy some desire for fairness, reciprocity, money, or privilege. People actually read because they feel rewarded.

Problem solve

I believe precisely defining the groups and identifying their motivations and timeline for getting involved is essential for any writer. Progressive-minded often are the best option for writers to engage with their articles.

Like every problem, it is always evolving in the most progressive way so we can’t apply something that was invented 100 years back and blatantly apply it to current civil society.

It must be identified and weighed against the current social currency. That is why I personally associate this with:

  • The problem-solving method must be suitable for change. It continually evolves society's approach.
  • Innovative beyond readers' imagination. It is direct collaboration and make sure it’s not bullshit.
  • Globally integrated. It operates as a global problem solver, not “you can make $1000 a month easily” YES, we know it’s total bullshit for people outside the first-world leading country.
  • Disruptive by nature. It encourages renewed and compelling thinking.
  • Genuine, not generous. The Medium society acts and thinks with genuine moves. Generous acts will gain nothing for your growth, real growth.

Readers' expectations are higher than ever, but at the same time, there is a reader's fatigue. Readers are not interested in having relationships with every writer whom they need. They like to read for the benefit purpose only.

Make sure your roles as an educator, ambassador, trainer, research filter, and also an entertainer. It’s not easy, and I never say it is. I guess you have to think about this if you want to publish something that isn’t based on bullshit.

Surprise element

Something that is not expected from you, something that going to blow your readers’ minds, something that going to make people remember you, and something that going to make you shine.

“It needs another flavour to it to make it work, a surprise element to spice it up“.— The Sun (2009)

Don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t mean you have to against “the niche down” law. You can write your own niche but you have to add something that can differentiate you from others, and it has to be special.

Let’s say you discuss about vintage cars, and others talk about it as well, so what you do is add a history element to that car, not just the modifications, or you can put a sexual element to the history of that car to add more intrigue.

Yeah… When you buy a classic car, it comes with a story.

Human interest

Everybody love when people talk about space, sports car, Harley Davidson, or any kind of dope advanced technology but no one really cares about the math element of it unless it’s price. Nobody wants to know the diameter of the piston of private jets anyway.

You can find it interesting when it already attracts other people to read and also you can tell whether it’s organic or not. This is my easy explanation of human interest.

Portraits that focus on human activity and behavior, describe the person’s atmosphere or mood, and might generate sympathy from people who see it

That’s why beautiful women, children, and animals are the only 3 things in this world that can be loved unconditionally. Because from time to time, historically, those three are untouchable in terms of morals and norms and somehow always the BEST topic for the money-gathering events by a bunch of a$$hole.

Positivity hits us

This drive to the best output we can make in short form article and of course, it is a different story if your intention is to make a novel. It provides more opportunities for the readers' attention and maximizes the function of a short-form article.

It also exerts a positive impact on the innovation of your story, reputation, and insight. In so doing, the writer is better positioned to be the voice of the readers’ across the platform — building something that is not only its readers' bases’ thinking but also the power of the message.

Remember, insufficient passion will also leave your intended audience cold. We can all think of articles that seem soulless. Too often in this Medium, many of the right elements are in place, but the writing fails to connect emotionally with the audience.

Medium is a fun place to write, but you have to know that you should be the one who believes you can generate daily content with significant interaction and goodwill.

