Ask these 7 key questions to help unpack your limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs stopped me writing for 3 months. Don’t lose momentum like I did.

New Writers Welcome
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

The Problem

I’ve been trying to establish a 5am wake up routine to squeeze more writing time into my busy schedule. The fact that this is my first article in a very long time shows how this new routine is (not) working out for me.

This is the reality for many people. The same people who don’t start something or quit too early usually blame their circumstanes.

But the real issue is often some deep rooted belief about themselves such as I’m not a morning person, I need to do other stuff etc. People are rarely aware of their own beliefs because they were formed so long ago.

Our beliefs are what we believe to be true, based on our childhood or other key events. Whether we like it or not, our beliefs have a huge influence on our decisions and actions (or non action) and ultimately the life we choose to live.

Some beliefs can keep us small

In my case, my early morning struggle was 100% due to some beliefs I had.

Since beliefs manifest as negative self talk, my early morning conversations with myself went something like this:

  • I’m too tired in the morning.
  • There is other stuff I should be doing instead of focusing on myself (i.e. making lunches, washing, getting ready for work).
  • This is too hard so it’s just not meant to be.
  • I’m never going to make it as a writer.

You get the idea.

I was fully committed to justifying to myself why I should not even try.

The reality

For me, my beliefs about writing online ignored the fact that:

  • I used to get up and swim at 530am 4x a week. So I do have a track record of functioning well in the mornings.
  • It’s not the end of the world if the washing doesn’t get done right now. Plus the kids can make their own lunches.
  • Achieving success in any field requires intentional practice and time.
  • If other people can create an income stream from writing online — then why not me?

It’s pretty bad when you discover you have been sabotaging yourself.

Identifying limiting beliefs that may be getting in your way

The most common limiting beliefs look like:

  • I can’t do xx
  • I don’t know how to xxx
  • I’m not sure I’m ready
  • That won’t work

Whatever project you’re working on at home or at work — ask yourself these easy questions to help drill into your limiting beliefs and take action.

  1. What are the facts. Where have you done something similar?
  2. Why do you think that [you can’t do it / don’t know how / it won’t work]?
  3. Is it possible that [you can do it / you will find the resources / it will work?]
  4. What have you genuinely attempted to date?
  5. Who can you ask for help?
  6. If you HAD to take action today what would you do?
  7. What else can you do to help move this forward?

Challenge yourself, be honest and talk this through with someone else. If it feels uncomfortable then you know you’re heading in the right direction.

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New Writers Welcome

HK born Aussie building a portfolio of work around navigating corporate, the work-family-fun juggle, and whatever else keeps my monkey mind under control.