Be You. Not Them.

Let’s celebrate each other ❤

Sneh Gaurav
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMar 14, 2023


Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash

And for as long as I’ve known, this world is full of people who live by their own self-congratulations and the approvals of other people.

Why would you want to hear people’s negative opinions about you, when you could simply dismiss them and tell yourself that you’re wonderful anyway?

No one should hold you back from wearing a skirt just because you have scars on your legs! Your scars are nothing but a part of you, and you should feel confident in whatever you decide to wear. No one should make you feel guilty or stop you from enjoying your favourite fats and calories just because you weigh over 60 kilograms. No one should stop you from having a good time with your friends just because they think you’re too young to be out past 8 pm. No one should stop you from speaking your mind just because it doesn’t fit with popular opinion.

At the end of the day, it is more important to find your own truth and to be comfortable with yourself than to seek the approval of others. It doesn’t matter what other people think; it only matters what you think and what you do to make yourself happy. You are the only person who can make yourself happy, and you should always do what makes you feel good.

Photo by Billie on Unsplash

There’s no reason to be ashamed or hide your body because it’s yours and you should be able to do whatever you want with it. Your body is a gift from God and you should be able to do whatever you want with it.

How about this? You should totally eat that person too!

No one should tell you to hold your emotions inside and not cry just because you’re a guy.

You’re allowed to be sad and to cry. You’re allowed to feel. You’re allowed to be human.

Let it out. Cry.

You don’t have to be strong all the time, and you shouldn’t be afraid to show your true emotions.

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

No one should tell you how to dress for a party or what you should and shouldn’t wear. Wear whatever you want to. If you want to wear makeup, do so. If not, that’s fine, too. Your decision is your own and doesn’t have to do with anyone else.

Stop living your life according to how other people wanna see you live it.

Not everyone will appreciate you or your choices or your style. It’s best to just ignore the negativity and keep going with your own style. They might not understand or appreciate it, but that’s their problem.

It’s better to ignore the negative comments or not go online with the thought of being bashed, rather than going into depression just because some random chick didn’t like your dress, or some guy liked your bestie’s picture and not yours!

You’ve just got to keep your head up and not let the negativity get to you.

Stop torturing yourself, Start loving yourself.

You have no idea what the future holds for you.

Do not let life’s small moments pass you by!



Sneh Gaurav
New Writers Welcome

In this world full of papers, I promise to write you letters.