Being an Introvert Taught Me One of The Greatest Lessons in Life

And geez, have I become better because of it?

Anupama Mathew
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJul 24, 2023


An introverted young woman wearing headphones as she stands by a misty glass window, looking out. The image showcases the solitude and introspection of an introvert.
Edited on Canva by author

I am an introvert by day and am still an introvert at night, with an added touch of extroversion that comes out when it feels like it.

Being an introvert has helped me throughout my life and taught me some valuable lessons. At the top of my list are simple things like learning to say “No” without feeling bad or saying more with less. But there are none as meaningful as the best lesson I learned.

The younger me was a full-blown introvert, as awkward in social circles as they came. I preferred to live life without attracting too much attention. All through my school and college years, I never needed or craved a hundred friends. I liked the company of my few friends.

I rarely had the energy to hang out with anyone after class. I would much rather go back home to recharge for what awaited me the next day. And don’t even get me started on family get-togethers with people I barely ever see. They exhausted me, and I couldn’t make small talk to save my life.

If you’ve tried talking to your typical introvert, you know how terrible they are at holding a conversation! I still remember my small talk that wouldn’t go past even the 30-second mark. “Hi, how are you doing?” was immediately followed by a head nod to suggest how quickly this conversation would end.

I imagine my conversations sounded like this. (iykyk)

There were days I used to despise my introversion because it made for a few awkward circumstances and encounters. But I was content for the most part. Where it mattered and with the people that mattered, I was unashamedly my glorious self in all my sassiness and cheeriness.

Over the years, I’ve grown to become more of an ambivert. I still tend to revert to my extremely introverted self now and then. But I’m generally more comfortable with who I am and my abilities. I don’t even dread client calls as much as I did when I began my career, and that’s saying a lot!

Now that I’m all grown up, I am glad I know what it’s like to be an introvert. It taught me one of the greatest lessons the whole world could do with. It taught me how to be a better listener. I don’t hear the words from someone’s mouth anymore. I listen to them and try to make sense of them.

Whenever I talk to someone, be it my family, friends, clients, or a random stranger, I am more open to understanding their viewpoint, even if I may not fully agree. Instead of jumping to conclusions, I try to understand where they’re coming from.

And I can’t help but wonder…

Don’t you think everyone would be better off if they ever cared to stop and listen? Not something needs to be said all the time. Sometimes, all one needs to do is listen. This is why I’ve learned to embrace the introverted side of myself and appreciate it for what it teaches me.

I realize that as the world keeps changing and the pace of our lives picks up, nobody has time to stop. We are smack in the middle of the hustle culture, where time waits for no one and opportunities await to be grabbed. How on earth, then, can you afford to lose time — all for the sake of “listening”? I know, I know, tis a dilemma!

But as I see it, one genuine effort is all it takes to build and strengthen my relationship with the people I talk to. Listening made me aware that our differences make each of our lives on earth special. Some people learn to listen despite not being introverts. Yet, I know I have my introversion to thank for helping me become a better listener.

Yayyy! You made it to the end of my article. Thank you for taking the time to read it. 🤗 If you enjoyed the article, feel free to clap, comment, or follow me. I would be super happy if I hit the trifecta ;P



Anupama Mathew
New Writers Welcome

I’m a content creator and social media manager exploring everyday life themes through words and graphics. You can see my work at