Being Comfortable With Silence

Stay In The Present

Regina Eyite
New Writers Welcome
2 min readMar 5, 2023


Photo by Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash

There is always noise.

The screeching of the London Underground tube. Kids chatter and scream as they go to school. The tapping of fingers on a keyboard when you’re at work. Cars beeping due to traffic. The overplayed Tiktok sounds on people’s phones. Life is noisy.

Usually, I love listening to music everywhere I go. The soundtrack to my life. I imagine myself in a music video as the songs play.

But recently, it’s just been more noise on top of everything I listen to daily. It’s been giving me a headache.

So this week, I decided not to play music on my journeys. To hear the screeching, chattering and screaming. And it has been…weird.

I’ve never been comfortable with what reality sounds like. I’ve always wanted to transcend somewhere else. To be someone else. And for once in my life, I’m comfortable with my existence. With the day-to-day tasks. With the mundane.

Today I sat in my room in silence. No phone in sight. I stared at the ceiling and just allowed my thoughts to run wild.

And what I realised was that I’ve always been stuck in either the past or the future; cringing at the embarrassing things I’ve done or fantasising about the person I want to be.

I’ve never been satisfied with where I am now.

Being in silence brings me to the present. It reminds me that although my life has not always been dandy and I have aspirations, my life right now is good.

I’m going to be sitting in silence more often.

