Besides Being Alive and Writing on Medium, What are You Thankful for This Thanksgiving?

Luther Thomas Jr
New Writers Welcome
2 min readNov 25, 2021

“I’m thankful for my health, family and friends.” — Dwayne Johnson

Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

This Thanksgiving, may we all take a moment to reflect on the good things in our lives. Additionally, we have a great deal to be thankful for in our lives.

Here are 10 things I am thankful this Thanksgiving:

  1. I am thankful for being alive, I am thankful I woke up this morning, especially during a pandemic.
  2. I am thankful for family and friends, spend as much time with them as you can.
  3. I am thankful for having a great career and working for a great organization.
  4. I am thankful for my health, our health is priceless, don’t abuse it.
  5. I am thankful for the rain, it makes me appreciate sunshine even more.
  6. I am thankful for the ability to write on Medium. This is my 50th article.
  7. I am thankful for those who follow me and read my articles on Medium.
  8. I am thankful for the support of Robert Ralph and the New Writers Welcome — Medium Publication.
  9. I am thankful for the things most of us take for granted such as, running water, electricity, and the internet.
  10. And finally, I am thankful for coffee, yes that liquid gold we consume the first thing in the morning to get our day started.

Happy Thanksgiving!

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?



Luther Thomas Jr
New Writers Welcome

Combat Veteran and Life Coach, developing others through professional and career development. Join me on Medium.