Beware the ‘Always’ Platitudes

Stop looking for external advice and learn to follow your own instincts

B. Morey Stockwell, PhD
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

Ignore the podcasts

Don’t follow their rules

Learn to think for yourself

They say, Do this. Do that. Don’t do this. Be sure to do that.

I always do, they say. And you should, too.

I’m currently listening to The Mindset Mentor podcast with Rob Dial. Like many podcasters and self-help gurus, he instructs his listeners and readers with hard and fast advice.

Dial lists a bunch of things that ‘YOU MUST DO’ if you want to be successful… like him.

“Don’t touch your phone for the first hour of the day.”

But I say touch your phone FIRST, clear all the messages quickly, and you won’t be diverted by thinking about two things while you’re trying to wake up.

Dial’s confidence and adherence to affirmatively stating his objectives represent the one takeaway I hope to embrace.

Let’s unpack that statement.

Confidence helps artists/makers/creatives to share their work.

Confidence abjures the self-doubt devil.

Confidence, they say, makes us look better.



B. Morey Stockwell, PhD
New Writers Welcome

I’m a writer who writes about writing… and other topics that bring me joy. Find tips and strategies to enhance your creativity at