Book Review For My Book!

A Short Mystery/Thriller . . .

Akshat Lamba
New Writers Welcome
4 min readFeb 12, 2024


Original Image by me (writer)

So, my first short mystery/thriller “Cotton In A Sea Of Blood” is now available for pre-order! And I am very excited to share it with you all! I want to share this story with as many people as I can because I think my book is great. I have plenty of confidence in my book. And I really want people to read it!

And if anyone who likes to write book reviews and is interested, please contact me by emailing me at

Here’s a preview of the book:

“Agastya gasped, his feet stopped and his eyes enlarged when he saw thick blood coming out of Minister Aditya’s neck. The rich, old person lay sprawled in the bathroom. Agastya — a thin, young man — began stepping backwards. His hands turned white and his chest began to shiver. A cold feeling took over him and he kept staring at the dead body as he ambled backwards. He better get out of here before somebody sees him. He turned around, shivering and a soldier was staring at him with large eyes — Minister Aditya dead and a young man in fear.

Agastya’s eyes opened. Everything seemed blurred. Someone’s voice was echoing. But it was not understandable. And a second later, water splashed over his face. He gasped for air and sat up straight. His vision corrected. He looked around him. He was lying in a ridiculously small prison, back on the wall. There was no light except from the candles outside. There was a stinky, piss-smell. There were wet rags in the corner. What had happened?
He looked up. The soldier from the bathroom was there with another shadowy figure. It was King Gyanav himself — a young man with a deadly face. Someone was screaming and crying not far away. The soldier kicked Agastya in the ribs! ‘Aarrgghh!’
His ribs were crushed! His eyes squinched and his arms went over his chest and he fell to the side. The pain was too much to handle and little drops of tears began to come out.
‘What happened there?’ The King said in his heavy voice.
No voice could come out of his throat. But he managed to say, ‘Wher . . .?’
‘In the bathroom.’
There was blinding pain in his chest. He looked at him as if begging, hoping that they would let him go.
The soldier slapped him hard. ‘Speak!’
Agastya tried his best. But more saliva came out than words. ‘Didn’ . . . ki . . . kill.’
‘He says he didn’t kill him,’ the soldier said.
‘Liar!’ King Gyanav shouted at Agastya.
Agastya shook his head while crying. ‘You will be tried tomorrow,’ the King said as he opened the bars and got out. ‘Listen, Jaitra,’ the King said to the soldier. ‘I’ll take care of Minister Aditya’s family. They’re devastated.’
‘It would be the best, my lord,’ said the soldier.
The King walked away.”

If you believe what I believe — that great stories are stories that make an impact on readers, leave them wanting for more, that awe readers and that touch people’s hearts, then please do read it.

I don’t remember how I got the idea to write this story. I only remember that I wrote the first paragraph and I thought to myself, wow, this could turn out to be something great. I am a pantser so, I tried a few things and figured the backstory, and different situations that the story could go into. And I was very happy with how the story turned out at the end. There is a famous quote by Stan Lee that I love : “If you have an idea that you genuinely think is good, don’t let some idiot talk you out of it.” And I genuinely thought that this idea was good and that it turned out good.

Here’s the synopsis:

Agastya gasped, his feet stopped and his eyes enlarged when he saw thick blood coming out of Minister Aditya’s neck. The rich, old person lay sprawled in the bathroom.
In the times of Kings and Queens, a 21 year old boy is accused of the murder of a minister and finds himself in prison. Politics and bad circumstances make him guilty. He needs to escape. Will he escape?
“But I don’t deserve to die . . .”
A short thriller . . . For those who love stories that make them awed . . .

Click Here To Buy!

Anyone who wants to become an ARC reader, then please fill this form. The form is opened till 19th February. To be honest, I am in great need of ARC readers. It fills my heart to know that people feel enjoy reading my work. So, thank you!

(If you are wondering what an ARC reader is, then let me tell you. An ARC reader is someone who reads an upcoming book before launch for free and then leaves an honest review of that book on Amazon or Goodreads or social media on the day of the launch. If you wish to be an ARC reader for my book, just fill the form above. Thanks)

Thank you for reading!



Akshat Lamba
New Writers Welcome

Writer with the dream to impact your life with my stories, poetry, articles and blogs.