Boosting Productivity — Organising your Google Drive is Simple

Why Organise Your drive?

Sach Kotamraju
New Writers Welcome
3 min readSep 4, 2022


This was my Drive before I decided to take any action

Organising your Drive is a great way to boost productivity, and if you're anything like me, your Google Drive is an absolute mess. It's full of random files, old attachments, and things you don't even remember downloading. But it doesn't have to be this way! A little bit of organisation can go a long way toward making your Drive more productive and efficient. It allows studying and revision to be so much easier as well.

How Do I Organise My Drive?

Organising your drive can seem quite daunting and probably feels like a lot of effort. If you think that, then, you wouldn't be entirely wrong. All the methods you have searched for until now would've made me feel daunted. To organise your drive you have to understand that organising your drive should be an effortless task. (Microsoft files are very difficult to organise, so I do not advise trying to organise them) Instead of following the extensive methods, I found when I was finding ways to complete this dreary task, I created an easier method that worked perfectly. It involves three steps: Cleaning, Sorting, and Modifying. So here is a basic understanding of how you can do it.


You can replace school with whatever you want but for when I did this it was School

Cleaning is the process that will ease the process of organising the whole drive. Cleaning your Drive is simple. All you need to do is create two folders: Personal and School/Uni/etc…

Now put each file into what category it falls into; files, and documents, go into the category they fall into. If a folder does not fall into either category and it's not relevant, then delete it. This post only covers how to organise your non-personal Google Drive. I would love to do a post on how to organise your personal drive. If you would like that then let me know by commenting.


Once again the subjects can be replaced to whatever need but for ease it like that

Sorting is a slightly more difficult task than cleaning but is definitely worth the extra effort and will help in the long term. To sort out the drive: First, create folders on each "Subject" within those folders. Next, create folders on each Topic, and transfer all material to the respective Topic. You can make a folder for each chapter of your topics, but that can get excessive and isn't necessary.

Colour coding each subject folder is only for aesthetics but is helpful so you can colour code each book folder to the same colour. Some students use tags to colour code each of their physical books, but colour coding is completely personal. However, I do recommend it.


Modifying is absolutely vital. You've done the easy parts (cleaning and sorting) it allows you to start fresh, but you need to make sure that freshness is always there. Your files need to be modified often because other people who maintain their files, (your peers, classmates, or even friends) will be able to be more productive. using whatever files they have to be more productive in whatever they are doing. As a result, if you do this, you can be far more productive in whatever you are doing. In a way, you must maintain your Google drive to keep the drive.


To summarise this blog: You should organise your Google drive because it will allow you to be productive. Simply because you can access files without searching through clusters. The way to organise your drive with ease is by cleaning out what is irrelevant, then sorting out files with colours, and labels. Next, modifying and maintaining them. In the end, it should make your life more productive.



Sach Kotamraju
New Writers Welcome

I am 16 years old and this is a place to explain my thoughts, opinions and overall understanding of topics that I find intriguing.