Both Can Bring You Regret Equally…

Ambitions & Satisfaction

Poonam Bhatt
New Writers Welcome


Image Created By Poonam Bhatt - Personal Growth Writer on Canva Team

Ambitions & Satisfaction

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You can either be ambitious (and choose to achieve whatever you want) or be satisfied (with what you already have or what you are).

But either way will bring you regret.

How? Let’s see.

1. When you are ambitious, you will lose important family moments and friends in the process. And regret it.

2. Though you are satisfied with what you have or what you are, you will think, ‘I wish I could try doing challenging things.’ And regret it.

Did you see it? You chose anyway; you are going to regret it.

You have to figure out on which side you are more comfortable.

Now the question is, Can you be both?

Can you be an ambitious person with satisfaction?

I don’t know the answer, do you?

Reply in the comment.

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Poonam Bhatt
New Writers Welcome

Ghostwriter/Copywriter: I help businesses write LinkedIn & Medium posts, Newsletter & Email | Content Writer for Self-improvement & Wellness niche-SEO Blog Post