Breaking Away From Toxicity

Seven tips to help you escape from it

Anisha Shah
New Writers Welcome
3 min readSep 6, 2023


Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

We live in a world where there is constant comparison. Right from the time we start to understand the world, we start comparing with our peers. The same become so ingrained in us that we no longer recognise that it is toxic for us. Social media is flooded with pictures taken in posh areas, beautiful landscapes, and flaunting achievements. All these can create a sense of inferiority in us, making us feel anxious and questioning our worth.

Here are a few tips one can follow to build a positive life and break away from the surrounding toxicity:

  1. Find your strengths: We are all good at something or the other. Make sure that you work on your strengths and become better and better. This will help you know more about yourself and your skills.
  2. Remove toxic people from your life: Identify the people who are toxic to your life and the source of your unhappiness. This might be painful but it is always better to let go of those persons who bring out the negatives in all situations and perceive life in a negative way. This will be good for you in the long run.
  3. Spending time with nature: Nature is serene, and it has the ability to reflect the same onto us. We just need to make sure to spend quality time with nature and try to inculcate the same positivity into us.
  4. Keeping a pet: Pets give you company and a sense of love. They make us feel happy and wanted. They make sure that we are occupied and lowers our stress level. Thus, if possible, try keeping a pet and make your life better.
  5. Practising a hobby: Negative thoughts creep into our mind when one is idle. Thus, it is always better to be occupied with something. Keeping a hobby helps you to forget your daily stress for a brief amount of time and helps you to reduce anxiety.
  6. Keep away from social media: Social media platforms have created a fake universe that is different from our real lives, and we are stuck by comparing our real lives with it. We should stop comparing ourselves with others and make sure that we live our lives to the fullest and on our own terms. Keeping away from social media when it becomes too much to handle can go a long way.
  7. Refraining from judging others: We often bring toxicity into our lives by judging other people for their actions. We often form an opinion about a person without giving much thought. This narrows our perception and understanding. It is always better to try and empathize with other people for their actions if we cannot support them.

These tips will help you to be at peace with yourself and build a positive life. But apart from the above, we should be confident enough not to lose our cool or become anxious when something doesn’t go our way. Hope these tips help you reduce toxicity in your life as it has helped in mine.



Anisha Shah
New Writers Welcome

Aspiring writer embarking on first writing journey. Voracious reader and a compete nerd. Honing the craft of writing through blogs, stories and poems.