Butter is bad for you, right? Wrong!

Going organic off-grid- “Do You Love butter?”

Jane Elizabeth Firth
New Writers Welcome


“Do You Love Butter?” Photo by Ravi Kant at Pexels.com

Butter is bad for you because the fat clogs your arteries right? So that’s why you switched to margarine. Take a closer look at this full-fat spread which was ushered out during the Second World War, and you might just change your mind.

Who Invented Butter?

Are you a middle-aged caveman? Then you’ll remember real butter! That rock-hard spread in its shiny silver paper, Lur-p… what? When you preside over the name too long, yes this sounds a little weird! The name doesn’t have the same moo-rish adjectives as Utterly Butter.., but believe me, it’s not butter. This delicious sounding and descriptive name is a god’s honest slippery slope- to a downgrade. I hate to tell you, but you’ve been skimmed!

For the younger generation, what’s butter? You haven’t tasted perfection and why should you care? We know this spread is made from milk, please say you do! And who wants to wait ten minutes for their oleo to soften on a radiator before making a butty? Pour liquid gold down the sink on a sweltering day and make do with dry bread, no thanks! So I’ve got some persuading to do.

Preservation- a history



Jane Elizabeth Firth
New Writers Welcome

TRUE STORIES about WEIRD STUFF to MAKE YOU THINK. Jane writes for magazines, and has a lifestyle blog at elizabethwriter.com. She lives on a boat in the U.K.