Buzzword Etiquette: Tips To Avoid the Negative Effects of Workplace Jargon

Here’s how you can make the best of challenging workplace situations

Lindsay Stockley
New Writers Welcome
5 min readMar 2, 2022


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Ever known someone who talks in buzzwords?

They slip words into conversations that confuse you. They say a word that feels out of place, and you start to question if you understand it. You thought you knew the meaning of it, but now you’re not so sure.

Google confirms the meaning.

It turns out they used an inappropriate word. They spoke out of context. And, it felt forced into the conversation.

Was it said to trip you up? Did they mean to speak a different word?

Think about how much time you have spent pondering their use of that one word. How long have you been trying to decipher what the other person was saying? Have you now lost track of the rest of the conversation? That one word has caused much miscommunication.

Every industry has its buzzwords, jargon, and abbreviations. Sometimes they can help to establish a team language and way of communicating. When misused, they cause issues.

Some people in this world do it all the time. Their preferred language is Bizspeak. I used to work with one of them. His dialogue was straight out of the funder’s latest strategy.

At every opportunity, he’d throw jargon at the discussion. In meetings, he’d list unfathomable words, expecting people to understand their relevance.

Often he’d not understand the meaning of the words himself. He’d find inopportune moments to squeeze them into the conversation. He’d bamboozle everyone in the room.

Over time, his use of buzzwords became an obvious pattern. The team began to mistrust him. They saw him as manipulating the conversation to boost his authority or intelligence. They saw it as a lack of integrity.

His use of buzzwords did the opposite of what he had intended.

Sometimes, Jargon in the workplace is glorified. People think jumping on the bandwagon will help them be part of their industry elite. But, behaviour like this from a colleague is, at best, annoying. From a boss, it can alienate the whole team.

A recent survey from My Perfect Resume states it’s upper management who use workplace jargon. Also, 41% of those surveyed said the use of business jargon made them feel left out and disengaged.

If buzzwords cause miscommunication, alienation, and a negative perception of the user, why do people use them?

Reasons people speak in buzzwords

  • To establish authority and hierarchy
  • To create a shared language and help with team bonding
  • To set the company apart and build a brand
  • To disguise negative messages under a cloak of mysterious terminology

“Every profession has its growing arsenal of jargon to throw dust in the eyes of the populace” William Zinsser

Buzzword etiquette

On occasion, Bizspeak can be beneficial. But, only if the language is inclusive, relevant, and understood by all. When said in the right context, it can reflect the workplace culture, vision, or values. It can bring a team together.

If you’re contemplating using buzzwords, or if you’ve already found yourself saying them, do the following:

Use buzzwords in the right context

Does the word fit into the conversation at that time? Will it heighten communication or convey meaning?

If it doesn’t, forget it.

Say if you know the true meaning of the word

Never use a word if you don’t know its meaning. If someone asked you what you mean by it, would you be able to answer with confidence?

If you don’t know it then others won’t either. Ask yourself, why are you saying it? If it’s for any other reason than to communicate and convey meaning then censor your use of it.

Bizspeak only with people who understand it

Jargon is like a foreign language. If you can’t guarantee someone will understand what you’re going to say, then don’t say it that way.

Say it in a language they will understand.

Don’t wait for someone to ask for an explanation

If you’ve said it already to a room of confused faces then it’s your job to backtrack. Find out what they didn’t understand. Explain the meaning of the word.

Take ownership of your poor communication. Don’t wait for someone else to have the courage to speak out.

What to do when someone speaks jargon at you

  1. Ask for clarification

If you’re on the receiving end of a buzzword show courage. Find out what it means.

The person who has spoken it may not know the meaning. Or, they will have their interpretation of it.

Others in the room may not understand it either. Asking for an explanation will clarify meaning and improve communication for all.

2. Don’t get too annoyed with the person

Easier said than done, but they might not know what they’re doing.

They may have unintentionally uttered a buzzword. Industry jargon can become an accepted language that people use without questioning.

Before jumping to conclusions about why they’re using it, go back to the last point and ask for clarification.

3. Don’t join the club

Once you’ve got clarity on the word’s meaning avoid inflicting it on others. Bust the buzzword cycle.

Accept the word was inappropriate. Try your best to understand what the person was trying to communicate. Hope you never hear it again.

In the end

Buzzwords come and go.

They are equal to the latest fashion trend. Before you’ve learned about one word it’s been replaced by another. Like avoiding this season’s latest style of jeans it’s best to stick with words that fit best and will last.

Only use them:

  • In the right context
  • With people who understand them
  • If you understand the word yourself

Using unfamiliar or cluttered language is messy. And, it’s not inclusive. Unless you’re trying to ostracise someone, speak in clear and understandable phrases.

Use words that make sense to the listener.

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Lindsay Stockley
New Writers Welcome

Business Coach and Blogger. Inspiring creative entrepreneurs with business management & personal development tips.