Can A.I. Write a Picture Book?

A Book Made By A.I.

Hetul Patel
New Writers Welcome
4 min readSep 12, 2022


Image By Midjourney

A.I. art generation has come a long way in such a short amount of time.

I have already talked about how the A.I. text generation can range in creative and goofy. For some things, it is indistinguishable from a real human, and for others, it’s plainly obvious.

So I have put two A.I.s to the test.

InferKit: A text generation A.I.

Midjourney: An image creation A.I.

Oh, and also both of these softwares are completely free. You might see better results using ones you have to pay for like DALL-E2, but these are something you can do for free right now!

I will give a title and prompt of the story to InferKit, and I’ll use its results to make the images from Midjourney.

Without further delay, sit back and relax as father A.I. reads you:

George and the Tree To Heaven

Mr Barnes provided beautiful hand woven bandanas for all the children to play with while listening to his message.

Before starting he told us that there was a young boy who was an acrobat.

He said the young boy would climb a tree and would bend and stretch and pretend that he was a monkey.

Mr Barnes also told us that the young boy would climb a tree and when he got to the top he would jump out and fall.

Mr Barnes said he was always scared that the young boy would fall and hurt himself.

But the young boy would get back up and do it again.

Image By Midjourney

On a faithful day when the sky was clear. The top of the tree became visible, it stretched above the clouds.

Mr Barnes told us that the tree was like our lives.

He said we all have the choice to climb the tree or to stay on the ground.

If we climb the tree, we can see so much more of the world, that we can learn so much more about ourselves and others.

Mr Barnes said that if we stay on the ground we will miss out on so much.

Image By Midjourney
Image By Midjourney

Mr Barnes said that the young boy looked up and began to climb.

He said that he was scared but he knew that if he didn’t climb the tree he would never know what was out there.

Mr Barnes said that he climbed the tree and when he got to the top he saw the world and the sky.

He said he felt so much joy and happiness.

Mr Barnes said that he was not afraid because he knew that he had made.

Clouds covered the ground he could step foot on top of them, he saw beautiful birds, butterflies and flowers.

He saw so much beauty and a castle forward.

Image By Midjourney

Mr Barnes said that the next thing he saw was that were split paths.

He said that he had to choose which path to take.

He chose the other side and he got to go there.

Mr Barnes also said that sometimes we need to take the steps backwards to get where we want to go.

The way that he explained that is when you are climbing the tree, if you keep trying to climb the tree it will just become taller and taller and you will never get to the top.

So if you take the steps back you get to the bottom and then you can get to the top.

Image By Midjourney

He then turned around and climbed back down the tree.

Mr Barnes then said “that was me!”

On this faithful day when the sun was shining bright. The bandana given by Mr Barnes contained a rainbow that stretched all the way from heaven.

This rainbow is all the colours of God’s love, and when it’s touched you will know that you have found your answer.

Image By Midjourney

I will mention that there were one or two times where I would input a sentence into the text to redirect it toward the story it was building towards.

This is also through multiple iterations of the story with changes to the nucleus sampling and sampling temptation of the A.I.

But what do you think?

Did you like it? What is the future now and how will A.I. be used?

I believe that the text generation will be used a tool for ideas, sort of a starting point. The image creation on the other hand can be used for all sorts of things, maybe as a replacement for Unsplash on Medium.

