Can Writing Less Help You Shine Like a Superstar?
Writing more doesn’t help if you aren’t learning valuable lessons
We’ve all heard the fundamental advice for writers: write more to improve. This makes intuitive sense. After all, you get better at what you practice.
Today I’m going to examine the question of whether all practice is the same. Is it possible that for some activities doing more can be counterproductive?
In other words, is the time you spend practicing your craft well spent?
Table of contents
What Happens When We Practice?
∘ You will quickly hit limits when ramping up your physical activity
∘ Do the same limits apply to our mental activities?
∘ But wait. I can do some mental activities for a really long time — what about those?
∘ Mere repetition will improve your skills only so far
Beyond Mere Repetition Lies Mindfulness, or Deliberate Practice
∘ An Example of Mindful Running Practice
∘ An Example of Mindful Writing Practice
∘ Write less if that helps you write mindfully