Cats, I love you Meow and Furever

Here’s something for cats on international cat day on the 8th of August

Seraph David
New Writers Welcome
3 min readAug 8, 2023


Photo by Daria Shatova on Unsplash

One of the many special things about this four-legged furry animal is that they have their own day called International Cat Day on the 8th of August. This write-up is all about cats and my story with them. This will be a good read for all the animal and cat lovers out there, so be with me.

International Cat Day. which was on the 8th of August, is a day to raise awareness and learn about ways to help and protect cats. The International Fund for Animal Welfare formed this special day for cats in 2002 and has celebrated it ever since.

I hope cats know that they have a day reserved especially for them, but I understand it’s hard for them as each day, they’re the center of attention and affection to their owners and everyone around them. After all, cats used to have a special place in ancient Egypt, as we all know.

In ancient Egypt, cats used to be worshiped. They were represented in social practices and reflected in the art, literature, and religious deities of that time. Cats were considered to have protective and mystical powers. I bet the ancient Egyptians knew something we don’t.

From all this, it’s pretty much clear that cats have had humans in their paws since the beginning. If an ancient Egyptian and today’s cats ever have a conversation, the first thing the ancient cat will ask is, “Do they still worship us? to this. Today’s cat will reply “Yeah, I poop, and they clean it”.

There are two types of people in this whole wide world: cat lovers and dog lovers. I bet it’s pretty much clear to all that I’m a cat lover. I have been a cat lover since I was a kid. I had a black cat, and she was anything but bad luck. She was my friend and a nice cat to be around.

I named the cat Blacky for black; I know it’s a lame name, but remember, I was just a kid, and for the most part, I used to call her ‘Kitty’. Milk was Blacky’s favorite thing to have. On occasion, Blacky used to get into fights with other stray cats in my neighborhood and was a good fighter.

Going on walks to explore the neighborhood was one of her favorite things she loved and enjoyed a lot. It was kind of a daily routine, she went and returned, and it was the same every day, but one day it was not. I waited, but she did not return to me. The next day, I heard a dog had killed her.

I have many memories of Blacky, but what I will always remember is her purring. She used to purr a lot. The sound was like a motor turning on. You know, Cat purring reduces stress hormones. Back then, I didn’t know what purring meant, but now I know, and it never ceases to melt my heart.

Her meow, whiskers, paws, and toe beans, running around, wanting to be pet, and sleeping for hours without a care in the world. Only a cat owner or a cat lover will truly know what I’m talking about. It’s a great thing of honor to be chosen by a cat as her hooman, and I’m glad she chose me.

I bet my kitty would kill me if she knew that I’m petting all the street cats, I can’t help it. I became a cat lover because of my Blacky. I love dogs too, they’re loyal, protectors, etc. The thing between cats and dogs is that if cats could text you back, they wouldn’t, but dogs would double-text.

One of the many things it taught me is that things however perfect they may be, are not meant to be with us forever. We need to cherish and embrace every moment with the people in our lives. Blacky, I love you now and forever.

So, what kind of person are you, a Cat person or a Dog person?



Seraph David
New Writers Welcome

Just a human who loves writing. I write about productivity, life, health, and fitness.