Caught in the Storm: Finding Calm Amidst Chaos

My battle against the knife that is anxiety.

New Writers Welcome
2 min readSep 21, 2024


Source: Wikimedia Commons, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Man. Anxiety, the invisible, deadly knife. I am going to take you back to a memory of a day. I was 13. It was exactly that day that I started to struggle with heavy, debilitating anxiety. It was that day specifically that my grades began to drop. People started avoiding me, and I felt like an illness with no hope for a cure. That day, I got bullied and pushed around because people saw me as “weak”. The day was cold, ominous clouds looming overhead. I was thinking, “This is the day I will win.” Later that day, I went to school. Admittedly, I had very low self-esteem. I kept my head down low, wary of any judgment, where actually, the judgment came from myself. As the day progressed, the anxiety continued to eat and gnaw at my soul. I knew that to overcome this adversity, I had to work on myself. It makes me cry even to this day, thinking about that incident. Why me? Why am I the unlucky one? The day demanded socializing, and I tried my best, but couldn’t help but succumb to my demons. These demons held me in their grip, perpetuating the forces that held me down in a cage designed especially for me.

My battle against anxiety’s shackles

I felt isolated in my fight against anxiety. The day I experienced showed me that there is a solution to this problem. I must fight it instead of succumbing to it.

I was caught in the middle of a dark, windy hurricane. The eye felt calm, while there was just so much turmoil that beckoned me to fly away into, with no hope of escape. I felt stuck. What if that one day led to countless more? How am I supposed to break out of this pattern of anxiety? I didn’t really have an answer at that point. Reflecting on it, I now see myself in a better light.

What it all means today

I still feel broken down by what I went through that day. I am still trying to get past it and fight my inner demons.


This experience has built me up to be a stronger person than I was. I am still affected by it, but I don’t let it control me.



New Writers Welcome

Hey guys! I’m from California, I'm really interested in AI and neuroscience and want to spread insights about AI's implications on so much! For all levels.