Celebration Of Love(A short story) — October Competition

Mahi Jain
New Writers Welcome
10 min readOct 3, 2021

All I was hearing were slow murmurs and giggles around me with a tinge of chaos and hustle. I was kind of lost in thought about my past issues and complications, well to be honest just some high school drama. “Hello! We’re all here,” yelled KC amongst the crowd of my homies. “Yeah, they all made it at my brother’s wedding. Could I be any happier?” I thought to myself. Throwing myself back to reality I ran towards them and exchanged hugs. I have always loved KC, Sneha, Aishni and Tarang. These guys have been the strongest pillars of my support till date. I was really happy yet I was not. I was missing out him, Ed, my best friend. Why would I even expect him to be here when I already ruined what we had? After becoming best friends, Arpit and I, decided to take things to the next level and everyone knows long distance relationship has its own perks, so yeah things didn’t work out very well.

I welcomed everyone in and introduced them to my brother Dee and my lovely family. I took them to their rooms and asked them to dress up for the Haldi Ceremony. Sneha took my hand and said,” You’re missing Ed. Aren’t you?”

“Hell yes I am!” screamed my mind. But I just brushed off the question and asked her to get ready.

I went to the main hall, all dressed up in my yellow colored lehenga with a bit of Rajasthani touch to it, I put my hair up in a bun with strands of hair left at the side. The songs went on and Aishni pulled me for the dance. I was dancing with my family and friends when the corner of my eye caught Ed. “It really is him. He really came. Does he hate me? Will he confront me? Do I look okay?” I calmed myself and turned my attention towards him. There he was standing in a blue kurta, hair up in a pony tail. His smile was still magical, his brown eyes full of mischief and love. And a well trimmed beard. Guess I was about to fall for him again. My friends rushed towards him to greet him. While my brain was still horrendously confused. Sensing the weird tone in the atmosphere he came up to me and said in the same husky voice,” Hii! You look stunning Mi.” He did call me Mi, his favorite nickname of mine, I guess not everything is ruined.

We danced and apparently the ceremony came to an end. I had to help Dee with all his fashion confusion. My friends have retired to their room and Dee was out to meet the relatives. I was standing by myself at the corner looking at the wonderful pictures of today when I hear the words,” you gotta post this one, Mi.” I turn around to find Ed smiling at me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Oh no, that’s okay.” I answered.

The awkward silence quickly crept in. He broke the silence and started reminiscing the events of the past when we dated. He assured me that nothing has changed and that I can still be myself in front of him. I knew he said that to make me calm. Ed has always been the perfect guy to make me go crazy and calm at the same moment. The timing and our immature brains pretty much spoiled the relationship. I asked him,” Don’t worry about me Ed, just know that you can be the same old weirdo in front of me as always.” We both laughed and then Dee called out to me.

I kept thinking about Ed all day long. No matter how much we talked there was this tension brewing. I still want him. I want everything to fall in place correctly. I’ve always loved him and I know he does as well. But I’m too scared that my unstable mind will ruin everything. AGAIN. I slept beside KC. She did sense my worry and said,” Mahi if you’ll not try. You’ll regret it.” Damn, I hate when she’s right. I slept through the night.

The next day was beautiful. It was the big night of Dee’s wedding. The breeze was subtle and the weather was pleasant. There was a real hustle to manage everything. All I could hear was gossips and yellings. C’mon it is an Indian wedding, what else does one expect. My friends sat around the table for breakfast and Tarang brought us our plates and Ed brought me mine and said,” Lets share!” My heart quite genuinely danced. We ate together and pulled some cringy moments just to make the meal a bit tastier. Ed was quite close to me. The whole breakfast made me forget the whole crap going on my mind. I didn’t realize my hand was on Ed’s thigh and his hand was on top of mine. The adrenaline boost out of nowhere made me realize everything. I quickly took off my hand from his and went to the other side.

I really can’t do this again. I don’t want us to be more awkward. Ed came towards me to talk about the whole thing. He said he wants us to try again. Take it from the start but take it slow. I being the typical Mahi I am started to dodge him. What else was I supposed to do? Tell him how much I love him and yet can’t pull of the long distance thing. It was too much.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly. We didn’t talk since then although we did exchange some weird glances across the room. I was busy with all the preparations and so were my friends. Pretty much everyone retired to their room to get ready for the marriage while I was stuck with Dee and my thoughts. Later on, we all got ready and went to the marriage hall. The wedding was subtle, beautiful and sophisticated. I was so happy to see my Dee get married to the love of his life. The night passed through and it was time for the rituals to be done.

My friends retired to their room and I sat in the hall watching Dee and his love finally taking the seven holy vows. Aishni came up and sat beside me. She pretty much had the idea of the whole horrendous situation and was willing to give some comfort.

“Mahi, you know, things get out of hands if you hold them too hard. The more you’re trying to suppress your feelings, the more they’ll eat you from inside. If you think your current act will make the situation better, you’re wrong. It is doing exactly what you’re trying not to do. It is ruining both, the friendship and the warmth of love. Don’t let this act lose what you’ve always seeked for. Clear your head and do what you’ve always wanted to do. And what are you even worrying about? The future? Well, that’s still unpredictable,” she beamed. I didn’t say anything but just rested on her shoulder.

The wedding was finally done and we had a royal reception planned for the next day. Moreover, I had some unfinished business to deal with.

The reception had me all exhilarated and high as a kite. Primarily, I was really enthusiastic for the events to come. My brain and heart were both agreeing, finally. I had everything pre planned in my mind and all I was waiting for was Arpit. I owed him an apology for my past self and of course a beautiful commitment. Ed was really mad about the whole drama. He won’t see me or talk to me. Why would he, anyways? I behaved like an immature weirdo who keeps running away from their problems. But now I knew what I had to do and I won’t waste a single second.

I was in Sneha’s room getting ready for the beautiful night. She did sense the change in my mood.

“I could tell what’s going on in your head by looking at the glow on your face,” she giggled.

“Oh yeah? What does my face say huh?”

“You’re gonna tell him, don’t you?”


She hugged me and wished my luck. I could tell that she was indeed proud of me for finally facing my feelings.

I stepped into the hall wearing my red wine colored saree with a pale green shiny backless blouse. I straightened my hair and organized them on either side of my face. To complete the attire I put on some silver and quartz earring, a turquoise ring on my figure and an ember necklace. I would be lying if I said I haven’t looked this beautiful till date. I walked into the hall and greeted my flawlessly gorgeous friends. All of them were looking ravishing. My eyes were constantly looking out for Ed. There he was standing with Tarang holding a glass of wine and looking at me.

He blew me away with his black kurta, the epitome of ethnic wear, with white bottoms. He left his silky hair untied making my not so strong heart skip a beat. I had been beaming at him when Sneha nudged me. I went upto him and Tarang to exchange greetings. Tarang hugged me but Ed didn’t. I needed to talk to him. Tell him how I feel. He forced a smile and moved away from us. He won’t even stand next to me.

Later on, I saw Arpit going towards KC’s room to grab his envelops. I hurriedly dashed to KC’s room as well. I could tell he wasn’t in for a surprise when I approached him.

“What now?” asked Ed annoyed.

“Look, I am sorry for whatever happened but you’ve got to hear me out once.”

He faced away from me and folded his arms in annoyance yet willing to listen.

“Arpit, I know I messed things up at the start not because I didn’t want us but because I was too scared that the history will repeat itself. I have tried to move on from both, the past and you, but I can’t. No matter how good a guy is, the bottom line remains the same that he is not you. No one gets me the way my best friend does. I never knew my feelings for you would evolve so much that I won’t be able to suppress them. I never wanted to lose my best friend over the need to have much more than just friendship. I guess I am losing you even if I don’t let us happen and I really can’t afford that. I really don’t care about what’s next to come but as long as you’re with me, I fear nothing. I have always wanted you to be the Chandler to my Monica.”

I could see Ed’s glossy brown eyes tearing with the satisfaction he had after he listened to every single word of mine. He looked deeply into my eyes and then surged forward to kiss me. My eyes were deep shut, he kissed me with a passion that was both warm and urgent. I could feel my heart thumping and raging with adrenaline. He cupped my face and pulled me close while making sure our kiss didn’t break apart. I put my arms around him and threaded my fingers into his silky long hair when he whispered while brushing his lips against mine,” I love you, Mahi Jain.” We grinned ear to ear and rested our foreheads together when I heard the gate opening to find KC storming in and losing her mind the very next instance.

“You guys. Oh! I am so sorr..sorry. I just came her t..to fix my makeup. Alright bye..” stuttering KC.

Ed and I were startled ourselves. We were embarrassed while laughing at the same time. I moved away from him to explain KC the whole thing. “I’ll go and deal with her,” I said and started to make my way to the door when Ed grabbed my wrist and pulled me close and against the wall. He grabbed both of my wrists, lifted them over my head and pinned me to the wall.

“Deal with me first,” he whispered with a tone of dominance yet playful.

He slightly brushed his lips against mine, teasing me with my own temptation and said,” I can’t wait to proudly claim you mine.” While still holding me in place, he kissed me with a force that made chills go down my spine. He made his way down to my neck and dropped feather light kisses while I was still trying to suppress a moan. He slowly nibbled my ear and whispered,” You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” He looked in my eyes while leaving my wrists and cupping my face and said,” I have always loved you and I really wanna fall for you more.”

Moments later we fixed ourselves and departed to the hall exchanging a final kiss. We found our friends standing in a corner and smirking as they saw us. KC did tell them everything. She uttered,” Are you guys going to give us the details or I shall myself?”

Ed wrapped his hand around my waist and smiled warmly at me. “Ladies and Tarang, this is my girlfriend, Mahi. I am the luckiest person out there to find my love and best friend in the same girl. I promise to be there for you every time you fall apart or fall together and I can’t wait to have the long distance zoom calls with you,” said Ed and kissed my cheek. I blushed and beamed in reply.

Our friends cheered and awed for us and that probably was one of the best feelings in the entire world. We had a turbulent start but if it wasn’t for the highs and the lows, I would never have cared for the happiness this guy enlightens my life with.



Mahi Jain
New Writers Welcome

Hey all! I am currently a student, working my way through the beauty of writing. I love to write short stories, articles and sometimes even journal how I feel.