Coffee or Tea

your best wake up brew

Kathy J Anderson
New Writers Welcome


coffee, tea, drinks, brews, liquids
Photo by Tracey Hocking on Unsplash

You want to have a balanced day
Take time to consider the way
Which your morning brew can play

With chemicals your brain needs
Planting them like seeds
Or according to certain weeds
As herbal tisanes and feeds
Of injected cups full of leads

That take you to the next
Cup of joe or matcha vertex,
Don’t be inclined to make dex
Or body may give you a hex
You don’t aim to flex,

Peaks and valleys of headaches gain
Impetus instead of a tranquil plain,
You once sought instead of pain
That impedes progress of mental trains

You knew would cascade
But the intended begins to fade
Away in the nights stygian parade.

night, evening, sky, stars, dark
Photo by Ryan Hutton on Unsplash

Skeltonic form poem
Kathy J Anderson
All rights reserved



Kathy J Anderson
New Writers Welcome

Poet | Writer | Artist | Fiction Shorts | Articles | I write about nature, esoterica, western and sci-fi | Do tarot reading or video shorts of reading my poetry