Content With The Content

Are you content with the contents of the content?

Shadow Puppets
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Emil Widlund on Unsplash

Content. An all-you-can-eat buffet of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Podcasts, Blogs, Spotify, Bandcamp, and on and on and on. And of course Medium. And shopping. Can’t forget shopping. Now add Netflix, sports, books, and movie theaters………

Let’s take a break, let’s try meditating. Google “how to meditate” — 99 bazillion results. jeez. OK, let’s spend the next hour reading ten different posts about how to meditate. Never mind, meditating looks like too much work. Back to Instagram.

According to the Generally Accepted Blogging Principles*, bloggers should post somewhere between 1 and a million times per week, just depending on which one of the 2.4 billion posts you read about optimal posts per day.

And let’s be honest, lots of the blogosphere’s posts are the Reader’s Digest version of the Reader’s Digest version of the Reader’s Digest version of…. nothing. Like this post.

Am I complaining? Kinda. Do I have any helpful suggestions or ideas? No.

Maybe I should install TikTok.

