Cycling: How does one thing have different means for different people?

Read on….I am sure you will be surprised too…just like me

Poonam Bhatt
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Danny Nee on Unsplash

It was one fine evening. I was standing on my balcony, as I usually do. I like to see kids playing, running, fighting, and skating from my balcony. That fine evening kids were riding a bicycle; they were enjoying their time was having fun. They were all joyed and enthusiastic to ride a bicycle on the cycling track.

All of a sudden, a lady came on riding a bicycle entered the premise. She looked tired and exhausted. Somehow managing to ride slowly on a bicycle after a tiresome day. She was working at some houses as a cook. The reason for her to ride a bicycle was not for fun, and it was her means of transportation. Since that was the only thing that she could afford on a regular basis to commute. So despite being tired, she has to ride it.

Photo by Munbaik Cycling Clothing on Unsplash

Besides the cycling track, there is a gymnasium where all who want to become fit used to do cycling on gyms bicycle. They were all trying hard to burn the fat that they had consumed all day long. Some more loving towards nature was riding an actual cycle on a cycling track but not for fun but to burn the fat. They were all drenched in sweat and trying hard to become fit.

It is very surprising to me that, on the very same day, at the very same moment, I came across the three different kinds of people riding a bicycle for different reasons. Such a strange thing! One (kids) was doing it for fun and enjoyment. Second(Lady) was doing it for her daily commute and not for fun. Third(kind of fit people) were doing it to stay fit.

This is a very good example of how everybody in life is striving for different things. So don't compare your journey with others. Because you never know what their journey is all about.

This also made me realise that it is really very important to become kind to others since we don't know what they are going through or how hard life is on them.

Poonam Bhatt is an avid reader, blogger, and author of the book GOAL TO SUCCESS.



Poonam Bhatt
New Writers Welcome

Ghostwriter/Copywriter: I help businesses write LinkedIn & Medium posts, Newsletter & Email | Content Writer for Self-improvement & Wellness niche-SEO Blog Post