Dear Writers of New Writers Welcome

A little word about duplicate content, subtitles, tags and more…

Sally Prag
New Writers Welcome


A woman scratches her head, looking confused and surrounded by papers and a laptop.
Image created on Canva by the author

I am writing this to help you to help us!

New Writers Welcome is an amazing home for the work of those new to Medium. Whether you are a seasoned writer elsewhere or not, there are rules and conventions everyone needs to learn when they break out into a new space, and a place to do so is exactly what Robert Ralph created when he birthed this publication.

I have recently become an editor for the publication, part of Rob’s ‘A’ Team, which is a great honour and privilege. You have no idea how many emails come flooding into my inbox on a daily basis, notifying me of a new draft submitted to the publication.

This is what I woke up to this morning:

A screenshot of my email inbox, full of emails from Medium.
Author’s screenshot

Notice how many of those are notifications of new drafts submitted.

THAT is what Robert would have been dealing with alone until he took on some editors to help him.

How the heck did he do it all? 😫



Sally Prag
New Writers Welcome

Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.