Destiny, My Path, Life Part 1

Life is not what you think

Self improvement
New Writers Welcome
2 min readDec 29, 2021


photo by Chris Hayashi on Unsplash

How peculiar is life? how can it be so different? How do people change so drastically? How I changed so drastically.

I started my journey in school. Unaware of what I was doing. Just going with the flow. Making my senses happy. I did everything so that made my senses happy. This is what we do our whole life. Scrolling Instagram, YouTube is all part of the big trick that our brain plays with us. The game title is dopamine. Don’t know about it. Wait I’ll give you an example. Sex is more enjoyable than eating food because of the difference in dopamine we get from them.

In school, I don’t know about paths and destiny just enjoying. So much tension-free. So much happy.

The opposite is the case with me now. I had grown up. So tension, career, life everything starts to get meaning. I need to think about the future. Now I am no more tension-free. How everything changed so drastically.

Unaware of my paths in school days. When I woke up and saw life after leaving school. I saw the real world which is way ahead of me. People are working on goals, going to good universities, doing something worth remembering. But I didn’t do anything worth remembering. Now I know I had to start but how?

Then life came in, it made me realize my passion for engineering. It showed me the way. I started walking on my path. still walking away from my destiny. But after walking for years now it looks like I can see my goal. I can see my destiny. I know my path.

How do I get to know it? Why this path?

For the people who don’t believe in destiny. I was one of you before. But now things changed. Think about how you got here. Why only here? Why not somewhere else. We use to choose our carer path in high school. Were we ready to choose at that time? We were just 15–16. Okay, we are somewhat ready. But what if we made mistake. we choose the wrong career.


The whole point is things always go best with us. Destiny fixes everything. It takes us where we are now. Destiny changed me. Life changed me. I can guarantee that it can change you as well into a more lovable you. Just believe in Destiny. if not destiny believes in yourself. if not that also believe in God.

