Destiny, My Path, Life Part- 2

Life is not what you think

Self improvement
New Writers Welcome
3 min readFeb 1, 2022


Image from Fabio Comparelli Unsplash

The peculiar life always shows us something new. We keep moving forward and don’t realize where we are going. Some days before I realized that I control my life, then I today realized that it may not be true. I am going somewhere in life where I meant to go and I cannot control it. Sometimes my brain may stop me from doing something the other time my family can stop me and finally the world can stop me. This looks so wired especially in this world where I and I dominate.

I always used to think that I am the one who drives my life but when I see my past, I understand that it’s not true at all. I am not happy with my past. But how it all happened made me better today. It’s all destiny that wants things to be unfolded like that.

An example

When I was in my first year of college I was passionate about entrepreneurship. So I decided to work on a project. I made a team, I arranged a place for them to work. But the project somehow never finished and then covid came and rest you know. Now, I have experience with a failed project. I am in my third year. And suddenly without my interest, a guy approaches me to work on a project about something that I am passionate about. I got people to work on the project without any hard work. I am somehow approached towards heading a college society. And it all just happened. The situation which took me a semester of 6 months to make just got within 1 month. Now that is destiny.

The intuition

There is something that is inside which always take you on a good path. But sometimes we don’t listen to it and end up doing a mistake. I am not happy with my past because I don’t use to listen to my intuition before. It’s not my fault not yours too because there is a wall between you and that intuition. The wall name is the world. And let me clarify that intuition still shows you the correct path, not the easiest path.

The wall

This wall is the biggest enemy of my life and maybe your life also. This wall is the cause of all my mistakes. India's great saints have always emphasized the importance of knowing self. They always convey to the world that all answers lie within us. This wall is what does not let us connect with ourselves. Okay, that’s too much of physiology and spiritualism.

You need to find some way to cross the wall.

Some of the tried and tested methods include meditation and spending time with yourself. Books are a great way.

The conclusion

Don’t judge life. I am judging it for the past 1 month and I realized that maybe that all happened for a reason. We are not gods. We don’t know what would have happened if we have not done that mistake. Stop simulating it in your brains. just start living life to the fullest.

This is the destiny my path life part-2

If you like this one you can read the first part of this article

