Do You Not Care at All About The Earth?!

Stop Taking Our Earth For Granted!

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4 min read4 days ago


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

F*** all these moronic people! Why the f*** can’t they use their freaking heads?!

Bunch of stupid, irresponsible, douchebags who don’t care about the environment!

Don’t they realize the harmful effects of their actions? Do they not care about those around them and the Earth?!

I’m referring to the never-ending human impulse to indiscriminately dirty the environment, in particular littering, rubbish dumping and open burning.

We Don’t Care About The Consequences Of Our Actions

These people are just so inconsiderate about their actions towards the environment, aren’t they? They just don’t care at all and completely lack civic consciousness!

They just don’t think about the consequences of their actions! That’s the main problem right there. People don’t use their brains!

We’re only focused on ourselves and don’t use our awareness and critical thinking.

Photo by Emile Guillemot on Unsplash

We don’t perceive things like littering, rubbish dumping, open burning, etc as wrong and bad practices. We remain oblivious to it and simply continue dirtying up the environment.

As long as we can do what’s most convenient for us, right? Never mind the effects it has on everything else.

Human beings can be really stupid and irresponsible! We don’t consider the long-term consequences of our actions.

So much for being an intelligent species!

A Heavy-Handed Approach Is Perfectly Warranted In This Situation

The only way these irresponsible ba****ds will follow the rules is if they get slapped with heavy punishments by the authorities.

That’s the only way to stop this type of backward behaviour!

Only when faced with real consequences will these guys wake up and be like:

‘Oh, wow…so these actions do have consequences!

I thought I could get away with it…cause no big deal, right, dirtying the environment?

I guess I should take these things more seriously, huh?’

Honestly, if I had my way, all these guys would be punished to the fullest extent possible for such illegal acts!


These guys seriously need to be taught a lesson because only then will they learn.

We must strictly penalize all these douchebags who pollute the environment through littering, rubbish dumping, open burning, and so on.

Trust me, mere awareness campaigns and education don’t do jack shit! People just break the laws and carry on, business as usual.

The only way we can get such people to behave responsibly is to strictly punish them.

That’s what will get the message through to their thick skulls. That’ll snap them out of their autopilot mode and force them to pay more attention.

Zero Enforcement = Continuous Law Breaking

Equally frustrating is when you have a government that has good-sounding policies in place, but its enforcement is pathetic.

There’s no point in having good policies on paper if your enforcement is crap! Then what’s the point of having such policies?! Is it all for show?

Plus the equally maddening fact that the government doesn’t allocate enough funds towards implementing such policies and enforcement.

Having a clean environment and protecting it is essential in our society! So why can’t the government prioritize its funds towards such efforts?

The Earth Is Our Home. Treat It As Such!

Photo by Akil Mazumder:

We take our planet and environment way too much for granted!

This is such a dangerous, short-sighted mindset to have. I mean, how bloody irresponsible can you get?!

Stop taking the goddamn environment for granted! Be more civic conscious!

We all must treat the environment like we would our own homes. You wouldn’t simply litter and dirty your own home, now would you?

What do you guys think about this problem? Would you go about it differently?

Do let me know in the comments and thanks for reading!

Copyright Raveen Jeyakumar, 2024. All rights reserved.

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