Do You Really Love Yourself ?

Signs that tell you if you really love yourself !

Sally M
New Writers Welcome
2 min readSep 30, 2022


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

A year ago, I realized that I didn’t love myself, that I really hated me ,I didn’t like my body and appearance. I blamed myself for every little bad thing that happened in my life and spoke to me in a negative and rude way, and the saddest part is that I never doubted it for a second, it wasn’t until I started my healing journey and started getting more educated about self-development and self-awareness, when I suddenly came across a post that taught what not to do if you want to love yourself properly, than I flashed and realized that I had done all these actions in the past.I believe being aware is the first step in resolving an issue.

Here are 4 simple signs that let you know if you don’t really love and respect yourself.

1.You only love yourself in the good time :

It’s very easy to appreciate yourself when you’re doing well in life and things are going according to plan in your mind and this is called conditional love. But it becomes harder when you make mistakes when you fail in work or relationships and don’t feel good, so you start blaming, criticizing and eventually punishing yourself.

2.You put others before yourself :

When you always put the needs and wants of others before your own, it’s like you’re living their life and ignoring your own, pleasing them makes you happier than pleasing yourself, and you consider putting yourself first as selfish if you relate to these descriptions, you need to change your false beliefs because you only have yourself at the end of the day.

4.You always talk about yourself negatively :

Talking bad about yourself in front of others or alone is a big sign of self hate. By insulting any physical feature of your body and only focusing on the wrong things, blaming yourself for every little mistake will land you in serious mental health problems, If you talk badly about yourself, don’t expect others to speak positively about you, you can never hide how you feel about yourself.

5.Not having strong boundaries :

The fear of saying “NO” when you want and please everyone just means you have weak boundaries, you don’t respect yourself and this leads to others taking advantage of you to pursue their own interests, they manipulate you and convince you that putting others before you is worth doing, saying “YES” to everything will hurt you in the long term.

“Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” — Anna Taylor

Thank you for reading my article.

