Does A Woman Likely Conceal Love For The Man She Insults?

A Girl I Knew

Abdullahi Addow
New Writers Welcome
3 min readFeb 9, 2022


Photo by Elahe Motamedi on Unsplash

People say women are strange creatures and challenging to discover their character.

As the Italian proverb says, women are a necessary evil, which means they are an indispensable problem as they are men’s partners in life.

Somali wisdom says women keep the kind man under the sun while the unkind one under the shade, which means women are ungrateful to the man who sympathizes with them and obedient to the one who is harsh on them.

I have witnessed many experiences that proved that wisdom.
A neighbor had a wife, he was good for her.

The man was not only satisfying her but also doing whatever can make her joyful.

Do you think she was grateful for him?

On the contrary, she was a burden on him, she was argumentative, stubborn, and always causing domestic violence.

The man was always advising her and sometimes calls her relatives to talk to her, even the neighbor ladies were criticizing her how she misbehaves with her gentle husband.
Guess what all those efforts bore fruitless.

Things got worse when she started to visit the husband’s workplace and cause him more trouble, distracting him from doing his job.

Everyone’s patience has a limit, so the man lost his temper and finally divorced his wife, no matter how hard he tried to keep his family, his unilateral effort did not work.

He has not only lost his wife but also his lovely daughter that he couldn’t manage to keep because he didn’t get someone to take care of her.

A few years later, the divorced woman got married to a drug addict man, he was not tolerant and did not give her good care.

She had to do a lot of house chores as she was taking care of the husband’s mother and grandmother.

With all her efforts, the man was irresponsible, sometimes he was battering her mercilessly until she vomited blood.

What struck me was; all those violations, she loved her husband more than her ex, she used to say when my husband hits me, that reflects his manhood and I feel more energetic to do my duties.

On the other side, it is tough to understand a woman’s feelings towards a man whether she loves or hates him.

A girl I knew was always insulting a young boy in the village, whenever he passes the road, she shouts Ali, the freak boy, look how he walks, he is an idiot.

The boy was always tolerant, he comes to her and says why do you continuously disgrace me in front of the people, have I ever hurt you?

The girl replies I dislike your style, whenever I see you, I can’t help to insult you.

This happened repeatedly, an old woman in the village joked the girl by saying I think you love the guy, why are you talking about him all the time?

But the girl denies it and says she would rather be buried alive instead of loving that freak boy.

One night, something strange happened; as I was passing an alley in the village, I came across the girl cuddling and kissing the freak boy, and they split up when they saw me coming.

After that night, the girl was frequently visiting the boy’s house and I remembered the old woman’s words, the whole time the girl was having feelings for the boy, but she was expressing it in an unusual way.

My Arabic teacher at secondary school used to say “Most women make their decisions at night, so if you ever propose a woman and she turns you down, don’t disappoint, keep trying, she may one night consider your relation and accept you in the morning.”

Thanks for reading, you can give your thoughts in the comment section.



Abdullahi Addow
New Writers Welcome

I am passionate about writing . I like writing stories on social affairs and some other topics.