Does Hijama Cupping Therapy Aid Energy Loss?

Do you feel tired all the time, if yes, then you aren’t alone?

Rabia Anjum Hijamist
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Tiredness is described as lack of energy, feeling of lethargy, exhaustion, dullness, brain fog or feeling weak. Everyone feels tired from time to time if the cause of tiredness is lack of sleep, hectic workload or seasonal flu or cough then nothing to worry about, you will gain energy with time. But if the feeling of tiredness is permanent and it won’t go away then it could probably be a cause of any underlying health condition. In that case, visiting a doctor would be a good idea.

Lack of energy is never without a reason. There must be something you are doing wrong that is negatively affecting your health.

It is very important to diagnose the cause of tiredness because knowing the cause of tiredness can help you treat your problem.

Symptoms of Tiredness

  • Lack of motivation
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Not feeling fresh even after rest
  • Migraines & headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Dizziness
  • Tired muscles
  • Unable to perform regular activities
  • Feeling of loneliness



Rabia Anjum Hijamist
New Writers Welcome

I did my Bachelor’s in English Literature. I am very passionate about reading and writing. Being a mother of 3 I have a lot to share about parenting & health.