Don’t Provide Those Things to People Who Don’t Deserve it

You’ll end up being hurt

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJun 11, 2024


Photo by Trym Nilsen on Unsplash

We humans are born with certain emotions that propel us towards expanding our range of efforts from helping ourselves first to helping others. This is an emotion of ours that makes us different from animals.

We can choose to be compassionate and considerate, to help others as if they are our people. Out of that generosity of ours, we sometimes provide favors to someone who doesn’t deserve it. We think it’s good to share our goodies with those who love us or with the ones who we love.

But providing unjustifiable favors will sooner or later going to harm both of you. There was a successful businessman and an entrepreneur who shared an insight when I curiously asked a question about not giving rise to his employees.

He told me something that provoked my thoughts towards different dimensions. He told me that a person who has that tendency to completely utilize all the things that are provided to him without being conscious about whether or not he needs it or not; will keep creating various bondages for him. He said that his employees are so reckless with money that no matter how much they earn, they’ll get broke during month ends and don’t even have emergency funds; he used to keep their money in a mandatory provident fund.

He further said that everything we receive in life is what we deserve and if we aspire to want something beyond our means, we need to put some extra effort into achieving it. That is and that should be the only right way for improvement as it provides experience and character traits to handle the things we are aspiring for.

The same thing goes with other aspects of our lives too, there was a friend of mine who was too dependent on others to argue on his behalf whenever the situation of injustice came. His friends used to do it for him out of courtesy and goodwill; in a lot of events, his friends supported him and fought major arguments for him. Later he becomes comfortable in relying on others and forgets he too is an individual who is supposed to take a stand during injustice.

A time comes when his friend needs him and expects him to take a stand and reciprocate what his friends had done for him, as he was the most appropriate person in that situation. He simply doesn’t even consider it because it wasn’t his job, he came, he witnessed and he just walked away. His attitude hurt all those who were there for him when he needed them the most.

The consequences of doing unjustifiable favors for an undeserving person can easily be classified into these two categories. It’ll either result in you getting trapped in a compulsion to fulfill their needs or it will destroy their life by eliminating the responsibility of the thing you are doing in their behalves. It’s like giving a million dollars to the young immature teen; he’ll end up creating problems for him and you as well.

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today”- Abraham Lincoln

Thanks for reading!

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Durgesh Chandrawanshi
New Writers Welcome

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