I Don’t Wanna be a Medium NPC

But Medium Makes it Hard

New Writers Welcome


World of warcraft looking NPC writer created by AI
Image provided by author- Created with Midjourney

Back in November 2022, I discovered Medium and became a member.

Yeah yeah, I know, that’s like saying that in 2023 someone just discovered that they could create a Facebook account, however, Medium isn’t a thing in Greece so discovering a platform that was “the YouTube of blogging” was very exciting for me.

The possibilities seemed endless and I couldn’t wait to read all the amazing pieces that awaited me in the land of opportunity that was Medium.

Expectation vs Reality

My expectations were that Medium as the biggest blogging platform would feature in-depth thought-provoking articles about politics, futuristic trends, high-level economic analysis, and exciting stories about corruption, drug cartels, and other things that make your heart beat harder from excitement.

For all intents and purposes, Medium does that and there is a plethora of amazing people that are uploading content on this platform.

However, this is just one side of the coin.

What is also true about Medium is that the platform is dominated by the personal finance and productivity niche. Not only is it the niche of choice for the platform's biggest creators but this trend has trickled down to…



New Writers Welcome

Digital Marketer, Ecommerce Entrepreneur and Experimenter at heart. Here to write about everything and anything that I find interesting and helpful!