Don’t Waste Time Starting A Newsletter Until You Ask 5 Key Questions

How to decide if a newsletter is right for you

Derek Hughes
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

One of my readers excitedly sent me a message.

He’d decided to start a newsletter. This was good news. Because you can’t rely on social media. An email list protects you from algorithm changes. And gives you control.

But then I asked a few questions.

And it became clear she was making a huge mistake. New writers desperate for progress, assume the noisest advice is correct. Starting a newsletter letter is heavily promoted. But a newsletter could ruin you.

Here’s why it might not be the right thing to do.

(5 question checklist at the end of the article)

1. It doesn’t fit your strategy

There are lots of directions you can take as a writer.

And a newsletter works for some. But not all. Newsletters grow warm leads so you can sell services and products. The basic strategy is:

  • grab attention and show your value on social media
  • move people to your email list with a lead magnet
  • deepen trust with more value
  • pitch your offer



Derek Hughes
New Writers Welcome

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