Empowerment in Everyday Moments

Turning Routine into Lessons of Strength

Amy Barlowe
New Writers Welcome
3 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Empowerment isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a way of life, especially for a mom wearing multiple hats — lawyer, productivity enthusiast, and nurturer of three uniquely talented children. It’s about finding strength and lessons in the everyday. Even in the mundane tasks, there’s room for growth and empowerment. With each child pursuing their own passions, life is a constant balancing act, filled with opportunities to teach and learn.

I. Embracing the Morning Rush: Lessons in Leadership and Time Management

The morning routine sets the tone for the day. It’s a ballet of brushing teeth, packing lunches, and finding lost homework. By involving the kids in this process, assigning tasks they can manage, we’re not just getting out the door on time — we’re teaching leadership and time management.

Cassie, Darla, and George each have roles that contribute to our family’s smooth mornings. This isn’t chaos; it’s a lesson in teamwork and empowerment.

II. The Power of Mealtime Conversations: Building Confidence and Communication Skills

Mealtime is more than just eating. It’s a chance to connect. We share stories from our day, discuss challenges, and celebrate successes. I ask open-ended questions, encouraging Cassie, Darla, and George to express themselves. These moments boost their confidence and hone their communication skills. It’s about listening, sharing, and growing together.

Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

III. Transforming Chores into Opportunities for Growth

Chores aren’t just tasks; they’re opportunities. By involving the kids in household duties, they learn responsibility and the value of contributing.

We make it fun, turning tidying up into a game for George or challenging Cassie and Darla to organize their rooms creatively. These moments teach valuable life skills and foster a sense of pride in our shared space.

IV. The Educational Power of Play and Hobbies

Playtime and hobbies are not just leisure; they’re crucial for development. Cassie’s gymnastics, Darla’s nursing ambitions, and George’s football and train fascination each teach them valuable lessons in perseverance, creativity, and problem-solving. Supporting their interests while giving them space to explore on their own teaches independence and empowerment.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

V. Navigating Setbacks with Grace and Resilience

Life is full of ups and downs. Whether it’s a missed goal in football or a challenging gymnastics routine, it’s important to teach our kids to see setbacks as growth opportunities.

We discuss what went wrong, what can be learned, and how to move forward. These conversations build resilience and a positive mindset, turning obstacles into stepping stones.

VI. The Role of Self-Care in Empowerment

Self-care is vital. It’s tough to pour from an empty cup, so I prioritize my well-being through exercise, reading, or simply taking a moment of silence before the household wakes up.

This not only recharges my batteries but also shows my children the importance of self-respect and personal development. It’s a crucial part of staying empowered.

Wrapping it Up!

Empowerment is everywhere, in every moment of our daily lives. From the morning rush to mealtime talks, and through the challenges and play, there’s always a lesson in strength and growth.

As we navigate these moments, we not only empower ourselves but also our children, teaching them resilience, responsibility, and the joy of lifelong learning. In this beautiful, bustling life of family, work, and dreams, finding empowerment in the everyday isn’t just possible — it’s essential.



Amy Barlowe
New Writers Welcome

Joyful mom of three, loving wife, productivity guru, and mindset writer. Embracing life's adventures!