Engaging in These Three Actions Will Enhance Your Productivity

A Guide to Implementing Three Key Actions for Success

Sean Todd M.Ed
New Writers Welcome
4 min readJan 24, 2024


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Another year, another opportunity to achieve goals that you may want to achieve, challenges you may want to concur, and personal mountains you may want to climb.

I am personally committed to achieving specific goals in the year 2024.

One year I spear it spent half the year planning and discussing the goals I intended to accomplish, to realize by the end of the year that I could have made much more progress toward achieving them.

Last year I did three actions that allowed me to achieve my goals on my vision board.

Action 1: Create A To-do List

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

If you struggle to keep track of everything and find yourself accomplishing nothing by the end of the day, this initial step is designed for you.

There were days when I recognized the need to accomplish numerous tasks for the next day, only to forget everything as soon as I woke up in the morning.

Formulating a To-Do List enabled me to visually perceive all the tasks I needed to accomplish, rather than keeping them in my mind.

Once I completed my To-do list for the day I rewarded myself with a coffee, or crumble cookies, which gave me the incentive to complete the task for the next day.

Providing yourself with an incentive upon completing your daily list or any challenging task will keep your spirits high and motivate you to continue ticking off items from your list.

Action 2: Actually Use Your Calendar

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

If you are just using your calendar to look at the next day you have off of work, you not using it to the best of your ability.

Anytime I have an important date, scheduled event, self-care time, I put that in my calendar.

I prefer to use the calendars on my phone because it allows me to access it anywhere, as well as send alerts hours and even days before an event.

I am presently pursuing my doctorate degree at Liberty University, managing a full-time job, writing a book, and fulfilling my role as a successful and caring husband. The use of my calendar is absolutely crucial to keeping myself organized and productive throughout the day.

Writing this article was scheduled on my calendar at the beginning of the month, with a bunch of other tasks.

If writing this article was not on my calendar, I may have forgotten, or it may have been completed later than originally intended.

Use your calendar, it will help!

Action 3: Create A Productivity Space:

Photo by yann maignan on Unsplash

Trying to be productive in a space where you are used to being relaxed or sleeping, may be a reason you are not accomplishing as much as you could.

Create a space where you can be productive! This space can look very different for everyone. It is not always a desk and chair, sometimes it’s moving somewhere different in your home or working at your local coffee shop!

Creating a Productivity Space May Include:

  • Changing your location
  • Adding different lighting to a room
  • Adding music playlist
  • Entering a quiet space
  • Working around other people or also being productive in the same space

There are a lot of changes you can make to your productivity space, but it’s important that your space increases your focus and limits distractions from what you accomplish at that time.

I hope one of the three actions will launch you into another level of productivity this year!

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Sean Todd M.Ed
New Writers Welcome

An aspiring author and teacher who has successfully overcome some of life's challenges and emerged triumphant..