Enlist in the Grammar Army — Defeat “Word Crimes” with Weird Al

Become a Soldier in the Fight Against Poor Grammar and Learn the Rules of Language from the King of Pop Parodies

S A Holmes
New Writers Welcome


Soldier Yelling
You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. Image created by Author with Wix image creator.

Grammar soldier reporting for duty.

If you know when to use who vs. whom, you should enlist.

Because you can handle the truth. Grammar is important.

When friends confuse their, they’re, and there, it’ll be your duty to reply with that snarky text. (But make sure you include an “lol.” We aren’t monsters.)

And our battle-song?

None other than Weird Al’s “Word Crimes.” I’ll post the video here in case you haven’t heard it.

Amazing. I might have shed a tear.

I’ve been a Weird Al fan since I heard “Fat” as a teen. I had just gotten my teenage growth and lost that little kid chunkiness, so I felt it hard.

Then there’s “I Think I’m a Clone Now.” Tiffany was great, but you gotta love a song that…



S A Holmes
New Writers Welcome

Lover of stories. Fantasy and Science Fiction Writer. Attorney. Husband and Dad. The foregoing list is not in order of importance. :) Find me at S-A-Holmes.com