Everyone is Going to Costa Rica, Should You?

Costa Rica seems to be on everyone’s Instagram feeds lately. Does the Central American country known for its “Pura Vida” really have that much to offer?

Corie D'Haene
New Writers Welcome
4 min readApr 24, 2024


Picture from above of a beach in Costa Rica
Photo by Atanas Malamov on Unsplash

Costa Rica is one of the Top Destinations people are flocking to for their 2024 travel. By looking at pictures, it is easy to see how desirable this country can be. It is a country of wonderful biodiversity with its lush rainforests, volcanoes, and coastline on both the Pacific and Caribbean oceans. You can surf the waves while hearing the sounds of monkeys in the background. This tropical wonderland is a place where many Americans are spending their PTO this year.

Costa Rican Travel

I recently traveled to Costa Rica and loved it. I got to surf, swim by a waterfall, see monkeys and sloths, and dance all night with some Imperial beer and a couple of Chiliguaro shots. I have never seen such lush greenery and beautiful mountain ranges in my life. The flight to their capital, San Jose, is only about 2.5 hours from Florida. It’s so close to the continental US but when you land there you are in another world entirely. Especially as someone who has grown up in the Midwest and is coming off of the winter months where everything is gray and brown.

I spent a week there with my friend and it was not nearly enough time to do everything we wanted to do. Many travelers we met were spending two weeks to six weeks in Costa Rica to see and do everything they wanted to. When planning your vacation, it is important to prioritize the things you want to see and do, especially since most of the destinations you need a car to get to. We opted to use taxis and a shuttle for our travels but many people choose to rent a car so they do not adhere to the prices of taxis or the strict schedule of using a shuttle. You can find cheaper forms of travel with buses, but they are not always reliable with time.

Within cities, it is much easier to get around by bike or by the local Tuk Tuks. Bike rentals are around $15 a day and most Tuk Tuk rides are around $10.

If you are planning on traveling to this beautiful Central American destination, make sure you bring a reliable ATM card or pull out plenty of cash when you land. While they do have the ability to use credit cards, most places still rely on cash for payment, especially once you go to more local areas that are less touristy.

Photo by Fabio Fistarol on Unsplash

What Can I Do In Costa Rica?

The lucky thing about traveling to Costa Rica is that there is something to do for everyone. Whether you are a foodie, an adventure junkie, an animal enthusiast, or just want to relax — you can find your paradise here.

If you find yourself wanting an adventure, there are plenty of volcanoes, mountains, and beaches where you can hike, climb, zipline, scuba dive, or try your hand at surfing. I tried surfing and had a blast, it was something that I have wanted to do my entire life and it was so satisfying when I was able to stand up on the board and ride a wave!

If you want to relax and see some animals, there will be plenty for you to do. Costa Rica is known for their conservation efforts and has plenty of experiences where you can learn about all that they do to protect their rainforest and wildlife. One place we visited was the Jaguar Rescue Center in Puerto Viejo. This was one of my favorite experiences as they showed us all of the animals they have currently and explained to us the steps they take to rehabilitate them and re-introduce them into the wild. We also got to learn a lot about the steps they are taking with the Costa Rican government to protect wildlife.

If food is your style, you will not be disappointed. Not only is there an abundance of fresh fruit and ingredients all over the country, but Costa Rica has influences from Caribbean, Spanish, and Indigenous cuisines which makes for a unique culinary experience all over the country.

The ‘Pura Vida’ Lifestyle

Costa Rica is one of the happiest countries on the planet according to the Happy Planet Index. Everyone we met on our trip was extremely friendly and humble. It is easy to see why when you are surrounded by such diverse people, cultures, and environments. Costa Rica’s economy has been steadily on the rise over the last 25 years and a lot of that is due to its conservation efforts and tourism.

If I were to go back (which I am totally planning on doing) I would spend a minimum of two weeks so I could see the rest of the country and get some more quality surfing time in. If you are looking for a close, cheap destination to cross off your travel bucket list, look no further!



Corie D'Haene
New Writers Welcome

Content Specialist with a dash of writer. Always moving forward. Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/coriewankenobi