Everyone Is On Their Own Journey

It’s About Finding Out — Who You Are

Isabel Young
New Writers Welcome
3 min readFeb 9, 2022


Photo by Jose Aragones from Pexels

But Who Are You — Really?

I’m a new writer. I joined Medium in 2021 and started writing.

In August, I consumed several Udemy courses and later bought a more

comprehensive course.

I really didn’t have a clue what I was doing.

I just knew I needed to do it!

This really is a journey.

Where are you going with your writing?

All I knew was I love to read, enjoy writing,

sharing and helping people.

This was the perfect match for me!

Are You Writing To Make Money?

Yes! I also was looking to make money. I was encouraged by reading those many writers who shared their struggles and their victories. We learn from each other and help each other.

We are all on a journey — probably with different destinations- but trying to make it happen.

Dive In & Start Writing — It’s Your Journey!

As many who experienced those first few stories — wondering why you had so few views, hardly any claps…

Would a publication actually publish my story?

Finding a few publications really helped me on my journey.

This helped me feel valued as a writer.

I was thrilled that I had been acknowledged as a writer.

I went from publishing barely 2–3 articles a week to many more. I read so many Medium articles about — what to do — how many to write — when to publish — how to get your first 100 followers…

My head was spinning.

This is my passion and my hobby — I work full time as a teacher.

The more I found time to write — I realized that writing was extremely therapeutic for me.

By helping others I was also helping myself.

Over the last few years, the stress of taking care of family members and personal challenges was overwhelming me.

I am — and teach — about self-help, motivation, self-talk, inspirational material. I live it! As I write to my Medium family to encourage you — I’m also writing to myself — I need it too!

I became so obsessed with writing — that I challenged myself to one article each day.

Then I learned how to write short-form stories which were initially challenging.

Now they are easier. Writing everyday is also getting easier.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Give Up & Stay On Track

I’m not sharing screenshots, financial figures or theories. I do look at my numbers — get excited when I get more followers, comments and claps.

More important — is finding who I am!

Yes, the pennies you make eventually add up to dollars and will one day grow into passive income. I cannot control how much — I only control what I write about and how often I publish — I am seriously committed to both.

I find Medium awesome — strangely addictive.

It’s therapeutic for me at the same time!

It’s also cheaper than therapy.

I encourage all of you to stay on track — follow your dreams and enjoy what life brings your way.

The good — the bad — and the ugly.

It’s there for a reason, learn from it and keep on trucking!



Isabel Young
New Writers Welcome

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves. https://linktr.ee/beyoung2