Everything I Never See

(hint: I can only describe it with a poem)

Joelle Rochkind
New Writers Welcome
Sep 25, 2022


Image of window blinds that look out at scenery.
Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Pexels.

window blinds
twenty two panels
suspended– resilient
silently beckoning to a rising sun

light carved them out with a spoon
left sharp angles of chalky white plastic
each edge water-
falling into the

splintering the light
but it does not fall in pieces
and tumbles into my room
all at once

with the silhouette of a tree
bleeding through yet murky
color lost to all the
bouncing around of light
merely contrast
no similarity to a color we call

Too Bad.
I never see any of this
when my eyes stop dreaming
reflex dictates
always reach for the



Joelle Rochkind
New Writers Welcome

Winding words to try and understand the world a little more.