Eye of the Storm

A poem

Julieanna Jalbert
New Writers Welcome
Jun 16, 2024


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

What is it to stand in the eye of the storm?

It is the deadliest they say

A no man’s land, for all to be swept away

But, what if it’s just a portal

To reminisce on life

To endure the strife

Where time stands still

Where the chaos sends a chill

Down the spine of the one chosen

To watch life, frozen

I use to live my life in the eye of the storm

Hoping to get swept away

Hoping that I would make it another day

Hoping that excitement would stay-

Just long enough to live-

Life not on display

No longer a caste away,

But the eye of the storm

The heart that will not conform



Julieanna Jalbert
New Writers Welcome

I'm a young author and poet. My passions include creative writing, reading, and gardening, while my goals are to grow my platform and share my writing.