Failed Gigs, or How My Attempts to Make Quick Cash Backfired

When offers of quick cash become failed gigs…

Grigory Lukin
New Writers Welcome


business failure businessman failed gigs Grigory Lukin let’s retire young blog
The end result of many online gigs, once you price in your lost time. (Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay )

You’ve probably seen a lot of ads, articles, and random recommendations about different gigs you can do online to make some quick cash. “Make money while watching TV” or “learn new stuff, make cash” — you know the type. Well, I’m proud and/or sorry to say that I’ve tried a lot of them over the years: here are all the failed gigs that didn’t quite make me a millionaire. (There were some that actually made me money, but that’ll be a different blog post.)

Filling out surveys. This is the online gig that most people have probably heard of, and quite a few have tried. Good news: you can, indeed, make money doing this. Bad news: unless you’re infinitely patient and have more free time that most people, this is a really bad way to make money. There are lots of sites out there, and they pay anywhere from 10 cents to $5 per survey, with the pricier surveys taking up more of your time.

Aside from focus groups (which I haven’t tried, so I won’t comment on), product surveys will generally get you about $1 an hour. Perhaps $2–3 if you’re lucky. One other major caveat is that this doesn’t scale: there are only so many surveys out there, and even if you have the patience of a saint, you won’t be able to find enough to turn that…



Grigory Lukin
New Writers Welcome

I managed to retire at 34 through austerity and self-improvement: now I’m enjoying lean-FIRE life in Quebec City. My personal finance blog can teach you how. :)