I Have Fear of the Blank Page, So I Splat Crap All Over It

Sometimes you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.

Ira Robinson
New Writers Welcome


Photograph by Author

Even though I have been writing for about four decades now, I am still intimidated by that damn blank page.

Ironic, considering how blind I am, but it is, as they say, as it is. I think some of it has to do with my ADHD and PTSD combining together into a stew of “what the crap am I supposed to do now” and “I really do suck at this.”

That’s a hard type of headspace to be in when you are making a career out of putting down as many quality words as you can each day.

Fiction is the easy part for me.

For my fiction stories, I at least have a little bit of something to work with before sitting down. I usually have a phrase or a few words floating around in my mind, kicking down doors and lighting the trash cans on fire.

I’ve had enough experience with myself to know when that’s happening, there’s a story rattling around ready to come out. So, I will load up the old word processor, crack my knuckles (so relieving when you have arthritis!) and jot down those words.

That will inevitably lead me into a cavalcade of sentences that become a story. It was already there, waiting and willing to be heard. I…



Ira Robinson
New Writers Welcome

Published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, Digital painter, and streamer, and blind. Contact me at ira@originalworlds.com