Finding It Hard To Bond With My Daughter

Robert Ralph
New Writers Welcome
6 min readAug 17, 2021


Did she ruin our family?

Not my daughter, but a nice picture

This is a very difficult topic for me to write, I have a 20-year-old son from a previous relationship (that is a story for another time) a 3-year-old daughter, and a 1-year-old daughter. My son who is 20 is currently living in Oxford, England studying Japanese, and of course, our two girls live at home with my wife and me.

We had a great family unit, the day my first daughter was born I fell in love with her, she was beautiful, my flesh and blood, a miracle, I felt very blessed. I also felt a bit sad that my parents would never see my baby girl, having passed away a few years before.

My wife had a quick birth, my daughter was delivered in one hour and 28 minutes from the moment we arrived in the hospital, my mother-in-law had only just finished baking a cake she started as we left.

I saw the birth, at the business end and cut the umbilical cord, how brave was I? My wife of course was the hero, we were the perfect little family, it was now my responsibility to make sure it stayed that way.



Robert Ralph
New Writers Welcome

I am a freelance, top eight writer, and content creator. Connect with me here to receive my free content: