Five Reasons To Plan Your Life

Be your own leader to have a fruitful existence. Own the ability to control and motivate yourself to succeed in life.

Nestor Laverde
New Writers Welcome
4 min readMar 14, 2023


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

This article comes from a dream I had with my dead mother.

Read about this dream here.

Dream in which she mentioned I should check the emails that she had sent me “after her death”.

In the many emails that she had sent me, I found one where she recommended I read a book.

Is called “Strategic Personal Planning and Life Project” by Ricardo Vargas Trepaud.

Cover from “Strategic Personal Planning and Life Project” by Ricardo Vargas Trepaud. Could not find a link to an English translation.

In the email, she asked me to pay special attention to Chapter IV.

10 reasons to plan our life. According to my mother’s request, I read the book and especially paid attention to chapter IV. Now I am going to convey my conclusions about it.

The problem the book raises. We waste our existence when there is no direction. Our lives go to waste if motivation is lacking. These issues drown us in anxiety and lack of success.

The author mentions ten points about the problem raised by the book. However, I am going to condense the ideas into five reasons that, from my perspective, are the ones that carry the most weight.

  • Self-respect
  • Social responsibility
  • Achievement motivation
  • A vision of the future
  • Rate of change
  1. Self-respect:

Would you leave your life to the swing of chance? Or would you let someone else plan your life for you?

You will agree with me that your life is the most valuable asset you have and thus your existence deserves respect and integrity.

If you respect yourself, you will push the limit of your possibilities to achieve your life goals.

It is the only way to become who you aspire to be.

2. Social responsibility:

The quality of your decisions and actions defines your life, family, and environment Your resolutions make up a responsibility towards yourself and others.

You are not, nor are we alone.

By creating life throughout your entire existence, you face the inalienable responsibility of being the owner of your actions.

You own what you generate in your society.

The limit of your individual freedom is that of social responsibility.

3. Achievement Motivation:

Each of us only has a certain time to fulfilling ourselves as people. Both the rapid pace of societal change and our inherent nature place time limitations on us .

It is this scarcity of time that should pressure you to have defined life goals.

By defining a path to follow and having goals, you increase your personal strengths. This path will only help you take the opportunities that life presents you.

When you achieve your set goals, you feel you can become the person you have always aspired to be.

Your opportunity for personal fulfillment is here and now.

You are what you are at this moment, but you also are what you can become if you want to.

4. Vision of the future:

Romantics dream of the future, but don’t move a muscle to make it come true.

If you wander through life without purpose, you will be adrift in time.

If you see your own future, you can take advantage of your strengths, overcome your weaknesses.

You can try on your own terms to reach the port you seek.

We all know the beautiful phrase of the poet William Ernest Henley “I am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate”. This means that you are accountable for achieving your distinctive fate or future.

Destiny traced in your past.

5. Rate of change:

An introvert like me knows this. Even if we wanted to, we are not alone.

We live in a community and in a world increasingly interdependent and interrelated. We cannot escape from that reality.

So, isn’t it worth leaving ours the best opportunities so that they can get ahead in this world?

A planned life will always know how to face the changes of an excessively fast society.

Our civilization charges an exorbitant bill as lost opportunities and gains in risks. We should prepare ourselves.

The changes in our society will be greater and faster as time passes by, and we must always be willing to face them, either to embrace them or to avoid them. Never let the changes pass you by.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


Life is a project that each person corresponds to fully develop.

You can go back through the time tunnel of your memory. What do you see in a year or five or ten years in the past? Now, through your imagination, look into the future. How do you see yourself a year, five, or ten years ahead?

Accept it, you can no longer do anything for the past, but you can still do a lot for your future.

Transform your present to change your future.

Remember that your life gains greater meaning when you live it with defined purposes and a sense of social contribution.

Hi, I’m Nestor Laverde. Thanks for reading me.
If you’re interested in motivate yourself though rock, marketing, and space thrillers, you’ve come to the right place.

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Nestor Laverde
New Writers Welcome

A Lovecraftian Metalhead who wants to motivate you with weekly stories about , rock, introversion, libertarianism and cosmic horror.