Five Steps Strategy to Reach Your Goals On Medium

The strategy that every writer should know | Advice for Beginners

Noreen Fahad
New Writers Welcome
3 min readNov 16, 2022


Five Steps Strategy to Reach your Goals on medium

Every content writer on Medium wants to grow because it is believed that Medium is a platform that tremendously boosts traffic on your blog as well as provides further opportunities for the writer to enhance their career in content writing.

Over the past few years, I have seen several new writers joining Medium as their number one source of earning. Obtaining a link back to the personal blog or a client’s blog from Medium increases their particular domain authority which then increases the worth of Medium. One backlink from medium costs over $50 to $200 or depending upon your Profile.

I joined Medium in 2015, but I never took this platform seriously therefore; until August 2022 I only had 47 followers. For me, it was not about traffic or reach. However, since September 2022 I took it seriously and tried to boost my Medium Profile to gain more Followers.

For this purpose, I’ve watched several videos on youtube and read various posts on Medium itself. I also tried the Follow for Follow method, which was the biggest failure for me. After implementing all such strategies I did not achieve any significant number of followers.

Moreover, I had ZERO traffic on my articles as well. By the end of October, I followed Five steps strategy that helped me gain more followers as well as boost traffic in a few days.

Here is my Five Steps strategy that gained me followers and increased traffic:

1- Be Transparent:

We live in virtual reality, and most of us spend a significant part of our day behind computer screens. Therefore, it is important to be real. Our audience wants to know the REAL us. Make sure to add as much detail in your Profile. Don’t Fake it!

2- Appreciate Others

What I have observed about Medium is that if you appreciate others, such as Claps on other stories and responding to their stories; Medium would recommend your profile to a vast audience which ultimately allows you to connect with like-minded writers.

3- Be Active

Doesn’t matter whether you write 1 story or 10 stories; the key to success on Medium is to be ACTIVE on the platform. Follow new writers, provide them feedback, and highlight their content.

4- Introduce Yourself

This strategy is one of the important strategies that you need to implement and i.e. Introduce yourself to the audience, write your first story about yourself and publish on the topic “About Me”. Clap on all the latest stories in the “About Me” topic and interact with all those writers. This strategy resulted in the growth of a substantial number of new followers and traffic to my posts.

Credit: Noreen Fahad
Credit: Noreen Fahad

5- Publications

Join publications that support new writers such as “New writers welcome

This is my Five Step strategy that helped me reach my Goal of achieving 100 Followers. Share your thoughts in the comments.



Noreen Fahad
New Writers Welcome

Noreen Fahad is a blogger and Content Writer. I write content about beauty and lifestyle. You can find her work at