Flight to Safety

Define it for yourself

Anthony Dale
New Writers Welcome
Feb 2, 2022


Photo by Steve Douglas on Unsplash

For some, it means

Fortifying portfolios with precious metals and cryptocurrencies

Dividend-paying, securities full of value

Taming that fierce lion of inflation

For others, it means

Running to their fortresses of worship

Or the rereading of holy books

And bending of knees on a bed’s side

Still others, it means

Building underground bunkers for a select few

Stocking up of non-perishable foods and water

Upon hearing the pitter-patter on the drums of war

Yet others, it means

Fleeing crime-filled metropolises

Remembering that America still had small towns

Seeking their own Mayberry

Let’s all find it

Safety, that is

Whether it’s from within or out



Anthony Dale
New Writers Welcome

Anthony is an airline veteran. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from UW-Madison. He enjoys making Buzzfeed quizzes, walks and watching classic movies