Forget Willpower

This is the secret to achieving your goals

Ahmet E. Sarac
New Writers Welcome
2 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Ever started a project with a burst of enthusiasm, only to find yourself procrastinating a week later? Tired of waiting for the ‘right’ moment when motivation strikes? What if the key to success lies not in waiting, but in transforming that fleeting excitement into a more powerful, lasting force?

The basis of human behavior

Our actions are heavily influenced by the environment. We tend to do whatever is easy at a given time and place, also known as the path of least resistance. This is known as Lewin’s field theory and can also be described as formula:

B = f(p,e)

This simple formula states that behavior (B) is a function (f) of a person (p) and his environment (e).

We behave differently depending on the circumstances. Don’t you know somebody, who is a really nice person, but seems to transform into a completely different human being when around some people? We cannot look at human behavior without analyzing the environment.

If human behavior results from a complex interplay of the environment and internal factors, how can motivation help us achieve our goals?

Role of Motivation

Many see motivation as a fleeting moment — here today, gone tomorrow. But there’s a way of harnessing it and make lasting changes in our lives.

The key point is using motivation to shape the environment. There is no doubt that we are influenced — why not use it to our advantage? By tweaking our environment, we can make worthwhile actions easier.

The moments we are motivated are perfect for this, as change can be difficult. There is more hardship to overcome, and having a thrust of motivation can make a huge difference.

Do you have a habit you want to build or break? Start by brainstorming about ways to make the desired action easier and the undesired ones harder. Think deleting apps, removing distractions and placing strategic cues. Small changes can make a huge and long-lasting difference!

Motivation may be fleeting, but it’s potential to adjust the environment and shape our behavior isn’t. Start by making small changes to your surrounding and witness the power of habits!



Ahmet E. Sarac
New Writers Welcome

Med student, Muslim | I love learning new things and sharing it with the world. |