From 100 to 600 Pillars!

We’ve come a long way, guys!

Yusuf Khan
New Writers Welcome
3 min readAug 21, 2022


Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

So it has been quite some time since I wrote my last piece here at Medium. It was an article about reaching 100 Pillars. I was happy and disappointed at the same time. On one hand, I was happy about getting the recognition from all my pillars, I was also cringing about not getting the coveted MPP(Medium Partner Program).

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

But then I realized a new trend is happening now. Medium is flooded with “How to make money online” tips. This might sound strange, but if this trend continues, Medium will become a spammy advertising platform. This will not only decrease the interest of the readers but at the same time will take Medium down the same path that LinkedIn is on right now.

Photo by on Unsplash

Now don’t get me wrong, I love LinkedIn. It is the only platform which still has some level of professionalism left in its soul. But with the advent of “My this figure salary” to “how to reach to this figure income and get leads” posts running wild on LinkedIn, even I am losing interest in the platform.

Photo by Suganth on Unsplash

So, what is the silver lining in this? Well, for starters, this gives us time to think. Do we really want to read how much someone is making? Does scrolling through hundreds of such success stories really make a good impact on us? Are we grateful enough for the knowledge and opportunities we currently have?

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Well, if we stop and reflect on things it will dawn on us that instead of bloating about our earnings and showing off the goodies we received, we must focus on sharing knowledge no matter how small we think it is. Because it is not rocket science to realize that if you are making so much money from our work, do you really need to pitch your life-changing training courses and programs? Nah! I don’t think so either. So, on that note, until next time, this is me signing off!



Yusuf Khan
New Writers Welcome

A writer, gamer, storyteller… but most importantly a dreamer!!!