Happiness in Trying New Things

Embrace new experiences to find happiness

Lina Khalid
New Writers Welcome
2 min readDec 5, 2023


Photo by D Jonez on Unsplash

What is the problem with trying new things?

We all try to reach the point of rest, but rest should not be our goal. Rest, at some point, makes us live in a comfort zone, and then we don’t need to go outside of it. Living in a comfort zone is the main problem of doing or trying new things. If we want to analyze that, we see that fear is the number one enemy our mental state tries to appear to us to stay in a comfort zone.

The solution

Be brave, face your mental fears, stay focused on your abilities even if they are simple, don’t listen to your terrifying worries, and don’t listen to negative people because they always try to stop you.

How does trying new things happen to me?

I love dancing in Zumba class. I do it 2 to 3 times a week. I like listening to Latino or Spanish songs, but I can’t understand the Spanish words; deep inside, I would like to learn this language to enjoy the class more, but I was terrified that learning a new language would conflict with the English language ( especially the English language is not my native) so I started putting barriers in my brain not to do it, but my daughter encouraged me a lot and told me to erase any negative idea that came to my mind and start my learning journey. After I began to do that, I felt happy to add a new experience to my life.

Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash


Always try new things, don’t stop, won’t be tired of learning; learning is a guide to happiness.



Lina Khalid
New Writers Welcome

I am a researcher and author of the “Software Architecture for Business” book. Love Zumba, walking in nature, and swimming.