
Hard Work Will Work When Nothing Else Works.

About how just pushing through is the only thing you need to do sometimes.

Kai Arthur Allison
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Daniel Chekalov on Unsplash

Life isn’t always easy, It isn’t always fun, and it isn’t always like you want it to be. Encountering obstacles on your way through life is just a part of the game. But how you treat those obstacles is going to show you the true quality of your personality. Are you going to blame everyone else and do nothing about it, or are you going to get over it? I prefer the second option, getting over the obstacles life puts in my way, and I hope you do so too. This is the reason why I write this article about how life can be so simple and sometimes required to do nothing more than just to just keep going even if the going gets tough.

Life isn’t always easy.

No matter where you live, who you are, or how old you are, sometimes life sucks. That’s the undetachable burden life comes with. Because life is nothing more than just a series of bad and good times.

Just like waves following each other, good times always follow bad times and the other way around in life. (Photo by Matt Hardy on Unsplash)

Just like waves following each other, good times always follow bad times and the other way around in life.

In the beginning, you get born, that’s a good time. While living your life you constantly experience bad and good times. After (hopefully) a long time you die and your life ends with something bad, your death.

Every one of those bad times is connected to an obstacle life puts in your way. Let’s look for example at the bad time you went through after your first breakup. Well, that’s just an obstacle. Life wants to test whether you can handle such a big rejection and keep on going without emotionally staying attached to someone for too long.

In extreme cases, those obstacles can sometimes appear to be not surmountable. But those are the times that separate average from great people.

Average people try for a short moment, but as soon as they realize they have hit a big obstacle, they stop trying and give up. They get nowhere and miss out on some great opportunities the future might have given them.

Great people on the other hand know that the only way to become successful is by never giving up. That’s why even when facing seemingly not surmountable obstacles, they still search for ways to overcome them. In the end, they always find a way.

The only way to success is never to give up.

No matter how easy or hard it is, they just follow it. They get over the obstacle and can move ahead. This is something average people will never be able to do because they give up way too early.

This whole article is meant to teach you two important lessons:

  1. Live can suck, yes, but you will get through it as long as you don’t give up.
  2. Spending your time complaining is a waste of time. Sometimes you will just need to do hard work, even if you don’t like it. The sooner you understand and accept this, the sooner you are going to be able to get ahead in life.

To round off, all this, I want to give you a quote that compresses all this pretty nicely. Remember it and always think back to it when times get tough. It will surely help you, just like it did help me.

“Hard work will work when nothing else works.”



Kai Arthur Allison
New Writers Welcome

Jogger. Writer. Student | Writing about Tech, History, Success, and everything that I think can help people in life | Support me and my writing by following me