Hate Running? — The Best Cardio Alternatives

Just because running bores you doesn’t mean you have to give up on cardio

Anita Stanković
New Writers Welcome
7 min readJan 10, 2022


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Cardiovascular activity is hugely beneficial not only for your heart and lungs, like its name implies, but also for your overall health.

It can boost your immune system, improve your brain health, positively affect your mood and sleep, increase your libido, aid in weight regulation, decrease the risk of many illnesses such as diabetes and strokes, and strengthen your entire body.

Even though there are many myths going around about cardio being ‘unnecessary’ if you’re into strength training, or even being ‘bad for the gains’, the truth is strength and cardio training are actually BFFs and not mortal enemies, as they perfectly complement each other.

That’s why skipping on cardio shouldn’t be an option if you’re serious about being your best, healthiest, and fittest self this year.

But, many may ask, what if one simply detests running? What if hitting the treadmill or a trail in the park fills you with horror and disgust?

Those questions arise often, as the first thing most people think about at the very mention of cardio is precisely running.

Fear not, because there are good news in store for all who shudder at the thought of endless laps and aching joints: running is not your only, nor is it the best, option when it comes to cardio.

If you fit in the aforementioned category of running-haters, consider some of the following activities as a perfect alternative. All you have to do is find one that appeals to you the most.

After all, the whole point of a workout is to be both healthy and enjoyable, not something you’ll hate with a passion.

1. Swimming

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Swimming is one of the greatest physical activities ever. Period.

Yes, I know I am a bit biased, as I adore water and everything about it, but the truth is that swimming is an awesome form of cardiovascular exercise.

It trains your whole body, without exerting and putting as much stress on it as does running, which is why it’s an excellent choice for people who are recovering from an injury or whose fitness levels are simply not as high.

On the other hand, while not being blatantly tough on your muscles, that does not mean it’s not efficient training, on the contrary. Swimming is sure to get you that lean, fit and toned look, as it works type 2 muscle fibers — the same muscle fibers that are worked during strength training.

At the same time, swimming will do wonders for your heart, lungs, and brain, as it is, in fact, one of the activities that strongly promote neurogenesis.

Be sure to hop in that community pool — or a private pool, if you are so happy to have one — and swim to your heart’s content as soon as possible. No excuses!

2. Skipping rope

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Although this one might send you on a trip down memory lane of your childhood shenanigans, skipping rope is no child’s play.

It may look easy, but it’s anything but, as it will work your entire body, from your chest and shoulders, through your core, all the way to your legs. It also improves your coordination, bone density, stability and balance, and burns off an insane amount of calories.

You can always make it as intense as you want, or create fun routines combining different moves and other bodyweight exercises with jumping rope. The options are countless, depending on your inspiration, desire, and fitness goals.

The best part? Ropes are cheap and you can exercise with them practically anywhere, provided you have enough space around and above you.

3. Hiking

For all nature enthusiasts and fans of the great outdoors, hiking is a great way to get the best of both worlds, as it’s also a very effective form of cardio.

Walking up and down steep hills, crossing over brooks, stepping over rocks and roots, and other obstacles found on mother nature’s trail prove to be quite a cardio workout, as they get your heart pumping while improving your overall stamina, endurance, and fitness levels.

Photo by Holly Mandarich on Unsplash

It beats inclination walks in the gym any time of the day as it’s infinitely more fun, interesting and gives you a chance to enjoy the fresh air and the elements.

In fact, it’s easy to forget that this is in fact a sort of exercise, as you’ll be too busy enjoying yourself and your nature adventure to notice you’ve broken quite a sweat.

4. Nordic walking or power walking

Walking yourself into being fit and lean sounds impossible, but these two activities prove that notion to be very wrong.

What began as a training routine for cross-country skiers during the spring and summer became a fitness trend that spread all over the world in the past several years.

Nordic walking is basically walking with specially designed poles that become somewhat of an extension of your arm. You walk just like you would normally, swinging your arms in tune with your legs, the only difference being you now hold poles.

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It sounds like a small difference, but it goes a long way when it comes to the benefits of this modified brisk walk type of exercise. Not only will you burn off up to 20% more calories in average than you would by regular walking at the same speed, but you’ll also incorporate an upper body workout in your walk.

If you are not thrilled by carrying poles about, you can always opt for power walking, as it will also burn off significantly more calories than simple brisk walking, and will activate your upper body, too.

Power walking is best described as something in between walking and jogging. The point is to walk at an almost uncomfortable speed, a speed that you wouldn’t normally go for in a walk. The arms are supposed to be bent at about a 90-degree angle and they’re swung gently yet decisively as you move.

5. Dancing

Another activity that’s so fun, you won’t even recognize it as a legitimate workout even though it is, and an effective one at that.

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When dancing is concerned, there are a whole lot of options at your disposal.

For example, you can take up Zumba, which is essentially a workout that incorporates dancing movements alongside resistance training and basic cardio exercise.

On the other hand, any other sort of dance is a perfectly valid exercise routine in itself, no matter whether you decide to enroll in a dancing class, or are more in favor of shaking your booty to your favorite rhythms in the privacy of your home.

Hit up the volume and give your body some sweet lovin’ through movement that’s both enjoyable and perfectly adept to get you fit and toned.

6. Hitting the stairs

A seemingly simple everyday movement can be turned into a very efficient exercise in no time. All you need are good training shoes, readiness to sweat profusely, and a decent flight of stairs.

Climbing stairs is an immensely beneficial workout, as it’s both cardio and strength training that will work your lower body and core muscles like magic.

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You can also add some variations, to make your training more diverse, fun, and/or challenging. For instance, you might skip a few stairs at the same time, or climb them sideways, or sprint up several flights before slowing down, or simply add a heavy backpack into your usual routine formula — it’s bound to make a difference.

Another reason why climbing stairs is such an awesome workout is the fact it saves time, as it burns more calories than walking on a flat surface for the same duration. Not to mention that you can find stairs almost anywhere — be it a park or an apartment complex.

Starting with this one is quite easy really: you can begin by taking the stairs instead of the elevator whenever faced with the choice. That simple change will improve your fitness levels, stamina, and endurance, which is an excellent kickoff for any future fitness feat.



Anita Stanković
New Writers Welcome

A free spirited scribomaniac ever eager to learn more and keen on sticking a finger in every proverbial pie.