Have You Been to the Hospital With Your Dad?

This can teach you a lot.

Aamer Kahawish
New Writers Welcome
2 min readAug 30, 2022


Photo by {Joshua Hoehne}

It’s not easy, for me, to understand that I’m staying at the hospital with my father and recognize that he passed a CVA.

Although it was a minor stroke, still I felt and noticed that my father is not feeling ok. Because his eyes said something that I’m not used to seeing.

My mother told me once that when I was a kid, my parents went on a vacation to Egypt for one week, while I and my brothers and sisters stayed at home with my aunt. On the second day at lunch, I asked everyone and said: “keep this piece of chicken to my father because he likes it the most”.
Right after we finished my aunt called them and told them what happened and my father cried.

I’m telling you this to say that I love my parents in a way that I’m not seeing myself able to explain.

And I’m writing this story while shaking out of fear.

Yes, the doctor said nothing is urgent and nothing is dangerous in my father's case, but the fact that my father is here is scaring me.

We are getting old … all of us.

So quickly without noticing.

And I’m afraid of the idea that our journey in hospitals has just begun.

Do you know what is the most thing I want to do after going home soon?

I want to spend as much time as I can with my parents. I will stop thinking that I’m busy and have no time for my parents. And I will start enjoying being with them as much as I can.

You too …
Listen to your parents and respect their experience. They have valuable things to say.



Aamer Kahawish
New Writers Welcome

Many thing to be said … and here I’m arranging my thoughts to become stories worth publishing